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Lovely morning chit-chat thread November 2024

  • 197 replies
  • 48 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Hi Ellie glad your shopping trip was ok. What's a few bumps, hope they understood. Anyway you escaped the house, but it's lovely to get home shoes and bra off (I always take them off when I get home. Lol ) and a nice cup of tea in my favorite chair. Have a nice evening and take care. xxx


  • Yes, my hubby has said he won't have any more colonoscopies, but the Moviprep stuff he has to drink beforehand is the worst aspect of it. He doesn't have to have another one for 3 years, thank goodness.

    Have a good weekend!


  • Good morning Kate, yes that movie represents is awful, I've actually vomited Nauseated face  with it. As long as we're still here. Anything exciting to do today. I'm flu and covid injections then the hairdressers. Have a lovely day.  Xx


  • Hi Moi

    For once, I actually have quite an exciting day ahead!

    I have recently been in touch with a charity that offers a befriending service for people who have illness, are alone or socially isolated. I have been looking for something like that for myself, but I'm also keen to be a befriender for others who need that extra bit of emotional support. So, I'm going to do some volunteer training this afternoon, and fill in have to be 'vetted', for obvious reasons.

    It will be good to feel i'm 'giving something back' at last! I've been wanting to do that, but I'm not the person to do sponsored marathons!

    I hope your jabs go smoothly, and you don't get any reactions from them. Going to the hairdressers is lovely! You'll feel a new woman!

    xxx Kate

  • That is a great thing to do. You'll feel so uplifted when your befriending somebody. That is such a good supporting thing to do. Well done you. XX


    1. Good evening all. What a day.!!! First we went and got our injections 1 in each arm. Went the hairdressers  that was the ok part. Had nails done as well. Then went the shops and then home and did dinner, I was ready for it. But both my arms have started hurting now. Lol. I'll just have to be naughty and have a small piece of apple pie.
    2. Kate I hope your vetting and training are going well. All have a good evening. XX
    3. Moi
  • Morning  All

    Just read yesterdays thread.

    Glad you had a me day Moi and a little pampering, why not, and that arms filling a bit better today.

    I have not had mine yet,  was waiting till i felt a little better.

    Kate  hope you gained some thing from your good work you are now approaching as well as the other party did.

    Hope every one has a good day, I am going out, later.;

  • Help. I really need cheering up. I have inoperable pancreatic cancer. Have been on chemo for over a year and this latest is Abraxane and Gemcitabine. I have a terribly sore mouth and am trying everything but nothing relieves it. 

  • Good morning Ellie, yes the arms alot better I can move it again. I can't rember if I said I was getting a new fridge freezer, well it's here yay, Ray's just turning the doors around to open the othere way. The old one died a death on Friday.

    I hope you have a lovely day out, chat later.xx


  • Hi Elaineyb, sorry mouth hurts so much , hated it, ask your cancer nurse for the special mouth wash they have, I'd tried loads of mouth wash, Bonjella the lot, also have a chat about it with uour oncologist, I think it was her who prescribed it. It was recommended to me by a member on Macmillan, so I'm passing it on to you. What are you up to today. I'm waiting for my husband to swop the doors to open the othere way on the new fridge freezer. I'm staying put the way. look like it's going to be a job. lol

