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  • 47 subscribers

Hi all,

I was diagnosed with an incurable brain tumour at 24. I’ve since had two brain surgeries and radiotherapy. I have scans every 6 months and my latest one was a couple of weeks ago. I get the results on Thursday and I’m so anxious I can’t sleep. Does anyone have any tips or advice for how they get through the wait and how to calm nerves on the day? 

thank you 


  • Hi sorry you have had to come here.

    Though you are very welcome.

    I wish I truly had the answer for you and any one else, in this station, though i do not.

    I go for results of my brain scan on Friday.

    I have always had the attitude, i have done my bit ,by having the scan. I cannot change the results, i just need to know, what the next course,  of action is.

    Every one is so different in how they fill, the waiting is the hardest for everyone, a lot keep busy and then they do not have time to think of it,.

    I really wish i could give you the answer, though i am sure others will come along, and give their advise.

    Please come back and let us know how you got on, we are a friendly group, and in this club togethe.

  • Hi again Domb, I'm glad to see you've come over from the cancer chat forum, so a warm welcome from me, waiting for scan results is a stressful time, I like to keep busy, walking is great as is any exercise, being with family and friends and doing the things you enjoy, even getting away for a day or two, it's also helpful doing a relaxation therapy course or taking up yoga or tai chi as being able to relax really helps and try not to go to bed until you are ready to sleep, I know it's tough  waiting but keeping busy does help, best wishes for your results on Thursday and as Ellie has said please come back to us with your results, take care.

    Eddie xx 

  • Hi Dom A warm welcome to the Group. The worst part of this rollercoaster journey is the waiting and we wait a lot. We wait for an appointment to see the oncologist, then wait for a scan date, then wait for the result. That is a lot of time waiting but getting anxious about it, as Ellie has said, won't change the outcome but if you worry too much, it could make you ill! I just try to take things a day at a time and not think "WHAT IF" as it would drive me mad.

    Good luck with your results on Thursday and to Ellie on Friday! I have to go for bloods and a scan on the 20th then the waiting starts again! Please let us know how you get on!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi domb  I no exactly how you feel .I had my scan couple weeks ago and get my results in the morning.  Anxiety is on another level. I just try to keep busy so my mind doesn't wander .I usually end up sitting with my next door neighbour, she doesn't stop talking so that's my distraction but then I have to come home and sit by meself that's the hard part . Like others have said we can't change anything we have to focus on the hear and now. I'll keep everything crossed for your results. Take care bev x

  • Hi Bev and Domb

    I get my scan results tomorrow too! I have been in bed for ages, but cannot get to sleep, so I'm up and about again, drinking tea and reading posts on here!

    I'm always like this the day before scan results, even though I've not been anxious since the scan was done 3 weeks ago. As everyone says, worrying about it won't change the outcome!

    Hope you get good news tomorrow Bev, and Thursday Dom

    XXX Kate

  • Good luck Kate, I hope you manage to get some sleep!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Dom!

    Yes is never leaves you. I will have my scan tomorrow and then have to wait until October 1 to get results. I do this now for nearly 9 years but it doesn't get easier. 

    The weird thing is, just before the scan i get migraines and all sort of things, after the scan all is good. Our body and mind is crazy. Not much we can do I'm afraid.  

    Crossing my fingers for a good result for you and anyone else.

  • Morning candysmum. Oh I've had about 2 hrs sleep I've got early appointment 9am.  Good luck with your results I'll keep everything crossed for you xx

  • Hi Domb  I dont think there is any simple answer to that question. It's a bit like my oncologist saying just go out and live your life and forget about the cancer , Easy for him to say he isn't the one with the cancer. Worrying is like a rocking horse  it will get you no where. My thought is accepting  things  can go wrong and then  you have everything covered. I feel like it's going in front of the emperor in roman days and getting the thumbs up or down , But the reality is it will be thumbs down for everyone someday. I dont worrying about dying at all and think of it as going to another party. Try audiobooks All the Best Minmax  

  • Welcome  

    I don’t have any new ideas on this one. I try to stay busy and active. I find I don’t want to be alone but am not good company. I had my last scan 2 weeks ago and hopefully get my results tomorrow, so my anxiety is currently at fever pitch too. The last cycle of this, following immunotherapy and a liver ablation procedure, had put me into a remission I am still struggling to believe, so really don’t know what to expect. All the best for your upcoming results day.