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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - July 2024

  • 464 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Morning to You All

    The Sun is out here, long may it continue.

    Going shopping today and out for a Full English Breakfast, at The Fishing Lake, always busy, why because big portions served, lovely people and well worth what you pay, do like value for money.

    Hope every one is good, and any appointments, i wish you well with them as we all do.

    Life is hard at times, what does not break you, makes you stronger, does not always feel like that..

    Not over as they say, till the fat lady sings, well i am not singing, YET or any one else.

    We know how to make a noise.

    Enjoy your day.

  • Morning Ellie, send us some sunshine grey and drizzling here and enjoy your "Friday" shop and fry up, the fishing lake sounds fab, would love a fry up but off limits for me, Appointment yesterday was about my sleep apnoea, which has improved enough so they can't take my driving license away, happy days and no HOSPITAL appointments till mid Sept and MDT,

    Eddie xx

  • Good morning Koala I'm confused I thought to day was Thursday and shopping day was Friday.

    Once you've got your eye's sorted you could go fishing at the lake, you be able to see if your catching a fish or an old bike wheel.

    Enjoy your full breaky, if you hear singing, it will be me and I'm not the proverbial fat lady.

  • Glad appointment\t went ok. now you are free of them for a while you can focus on planning the wedding, i am sure,

    If i could wave a manic wand i would send some sunshine, your way.

    Yes Friday shopping,  driver, booked up for tomorrow, where needs must.

    Enjoy your day.

  • Like to keep you on your toes Ulls, your right it is Thursday, driver booked for tomorrow, i am second best, what a cheek.

    If i could get to the  Fishing Lake, by my own methods, i might do that. though i would just sit, and relax.

    Love going there, no noise, no phones ringing, its a calming place to be, have Toms fishing gear, god how he ever carried it all.

    Sing loud so i can hear you, has to travel a long way to reach me.

    Enjoy your day.

  • Thank's Ellie, wedding nearly all sorted, just a church to decide on, we have three possibilities and less than two weeks to choose which one, I know which one Sheila will choose but best to let her decide, haven't had 10 weeks without a hospital appointment for years, feels good but weird

    Eddie xx

    1. Hi Eddie and the rest of the thread. Just 2 weeks before you both say I do again? It will be a very special dayx hope we see a photo or 2.  ThumbsupSmiley
      My friends wedding party is tomorrow evening. They are having a just parent/ parents civil service at the  registration office in the afternoon and the shindig in the evening at the Golf Club. Gosh I remember her first one as if it was yesterday Oh what a day it was.
    2. I have to dig out the glad rags. Thankfully my hairdresser is an old school pal from my daughter and she kindly said she will put some make up on for me ounce she has finished my hair. I am ever so grateful for that as I am hopeless with make up. Don’t really use it very much. 

      Cosy evening to you all, love Alana xx
  • You have a lovely evening, i cannot see to put make up on.

    A black bag would do the trick, i thunk lol

  • Thought you was getting married later in the year, did not realise was a church wedding.

  • Hello Ellie, I can see and still make a hash out of it. Due to my rather blonde hair I got my eyebrows and lashes died for the last 50 years. That was mostly enough colour. It is getting a bit tricky now as the brows are starting to thin a tad.  What do they say after all ‘vanity though are a bitch ‘.   JoyJoy have a cosy evening

    llove Alana and Lilly xx