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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - July 2024

  • 464 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

  • Morning Ulls, That's the one I use, called Hard as Nails clear! Works quite well if you remember to keep using it! Are you having nail problems?

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Morning Ellie, Good luck with your appointment (& everyone else who has one).

    How is your eye doing after getting cataract removed? Hope it is improving every day!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Good luck with your appointment Ellie. All this talk about nails, I think I need some of that hard as nails polish, my nails are constantly splitting, and sometimes it’s quite painful because it splits on the nail bed. I only have to touch something and one splits it’s very annoying. I’m off to the shops with my daughter shortly so I’ll look out for some. Bit brighter here today, it rained all day yesterday, the only thing benefiting in my garden is the weeds!! 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Morning all , hope appointments go well and everyone is in good spirits, I've done my chores for the day up and at em now goin back to bed to rest


  • That' s what i use, if nothing else they look better. the nail it self is like paper for me and comes of in a layer.

    Appointment was different, always a first time, had to have injection in the eye, now one every month, give me a break lol

    Enjoy your shopping

  • Oh Ellie that sounds awful! Is this in the eye that you had the op on? 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • LOL No other eye, have fluid, behind the retina, and have a cataract in the eye as well, they cannot do that eye, until that get the fluid under control.

    Talk about growing old gracefully, on your bike lol.i can ride a bike, growing old gracefully has gone by the book

    Sounded awful when doctor said this is what we have to do, starting reply your joking but hey done with.

    Another day out,  just different  clinics  lol

    Got to laugh 

  • One good thing no hoovering, or dusting or garden again ,three to four days lol

  • You always find a way to look at the bright side Ellie xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Oh no Ellie, I hate anyone touching my eyes. I even hate going for an eye test! I wonder if they have said 'how' you get fluid in your eye? Is it caused by the cataract or something else!

    I know you always put a brave face on things but it is definitely time your luck changed!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!