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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - July 2024

  • 464 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

    • Good morning all, nothing planed for today. Eddie have s good break with your family and come back well rested. Oh Alana it's horrible not getting enuff sleep I do feel for you. I'm bloods tomorrow and treatment Monday, my break from Treatment is over till next time. Lec enjoy you brbreak from appointments have a good rest.xx
    • Moi
  • Alana, if your melatonin is not prescribed it is not going to help, the prescribed ones can help, but GPs can be reluctant to offer them, no sleeping pills for me, my heart doesn't like them, I tried all sorts from yoga to hypnotherapy  and found the thing that helped me was a relaxation therapy course at Maggies which can be done online. Alana are you having anxiety issues, I had them for a little while and resolving them was by far the most important thing to getting a decent sleep habit.

    Eddie xx 

  • Morning Moi, thank you, coming back in one piece will be nice, enjoy today whatever your plans are best wishes with appointments.

    Eddie xx 

  • Excellent Eddie I'm sure you'll enjoy the brake.

  • Hi Eddie, my Melatonin is prescribed by my Oncologist. I am not aware that I have specific anxiety issues. It has gone gradually downhill since I started my treatment. It is known for causing insomnia for some. Sadly enough I must be one of the unlucky “Some” . I will have a look at the online course, after all it can’t do any harm. Your helpfulness is much appreciated. Take care and enjoy your family gathering. 

    Love Alana and Cat xx

  • Cheers moi, you enjoy your day before the vampire gets you tomorrow 


  • Well what a lovely day here, sun out full and 20degress slight breeze, its nice.

    Cannot go and potter in garden another week, have itchy hands lol

  • Hi Lee I made a cake this morning  then had lunch. I'm now watching Wimbledon,  luv the tennis.  You have a hood day



  • Hi Ellie well what can I say, overcast and windy here, what's new in that. Done a bit of baking  and now watching tennis.  My sister just called and she's coming for a cuppa and a chat. xx


  • Enjoy catch up with sister, tea and cake.. yummy