facing up to the facts

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  • 45 subscribers

I have just finished my last round of chemo yesterday and getting  my pump  and picc removed next week. I have been ill since 2020 and looking quite good as all tumours at bay or shrunk at present . I had  agreed in late November  with my daughter last year that she would start paying rent in January. I have broached  the subject today and told her to start paying the rent and something to cover the arrears also , She says she has lost £800 off her usually wages which I understand . But then she says she is only living here because I am Ill and she didnt want me left on my own in case I get worse. To be honest she doesn't do anything to help except the odd meal maybe once a week , I usually do more for her every week between shopping and her  washing. tidying up kitchen after her and keeping house clean , She has eventually decided to clean her bathroom after months of badgering. I believe I am not setting a good example for her as she is 23 and been working for years and never paid a penny . She thinks nothing of ordering take aways getting taxis and going on holidays and why not as some other mug is subsiding her life style which I told her and is not right . So I told her she should do whatever she thinks is best for her as I will be fine regardless. She is rarely here maybe a few days a week then at her boyfriends but its the principle I think why should I spend all my savings when she should contribute. Sorry for the long rant

  • Hi Minmax, congratulations on finishing your chemotherapy and great to hear how well it's gone, I hope it wasn't too hard on you and you can look forward to some quality time. It's time your daughter stood on her own two feet, she may not realise it, but she will realise one day that it was a good thing you did for her, and anyway she will know if things get difficult you will help her out, I'm guessing everyone here has learned to be independent and probably had a few issues along the way, but I doubt anyone regrets making a life for themselves, when I was 12 I wanted a cat and asked mum and she said yes but you have to feed it, so I got 2 paper rounds and got my cat, the best lesson anyone ever taught me, a lesson we all need to learn, PS she may be putting off potential girlfriend LOL, I'm really pleased your treatment went well, but as the others have said you have to look after yourself first, best wishes.


  • Hi Minmax, I have just read the posts here and firstly want to say Well Done for finishing treatment and feeling good! So now is the time as others have said to do what you need to do to be happy for the rest of your life! I do think the people in this Group realise just how important that is. After going through traumatic treatment to extend your life, what can be worse than someone else's selfishness threatening to spoil it!

    I am so pleased you also have a son to turn to for help with this. Maybe your son could explain to your daughter it is not a foregone conclusion she will get the house once you are gone! It must be difficult for you having to tell her she needs to go but I do think for your own well-being and mental health this is what you must do, unless she makes this decision on her own.

    I read she stays with her boyfriend also, so she has two people pandering to her needs. At least you know she has somewhere to go and I am sure if she lived with her boyfriend full time, he would have her paying for food and utilities at least! She has to grow up and be independent at some point and now is as good a time as any! Then you will be stress free and happy! Good luck and please keep us posted!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Anndanv  I have been pondering on this this morning and I have gone as far as I am going to go. I spoke to my son who will talk some sense into her hopefully and whatever way it goes it is going to be good. She actually said she had her wages dropped by £800 and I am not paying any arrears  which made me laugh this morning . It reminded me of someone renting a commercial  property and saying to the landlord they are not paying the rent because they have no customers , Unfortunately it does  not work that way . . I am just resisting txing her anything as I do love her  , I would love to say are you seeing the light yet or something along those lines. All those fancy meals and holidays muggins has been paying for them lol. Oh she is not mad on staying at her boyfriend was they have 2 elderly sick dogs with mange and sleep on bed sometimes and can't go up and down stairs and other issues . Maybe it getting her in training to look after me later , God forbid No . Life is Great . Just had my alarm serviced and you know when you switch it off the pip beeps afterwards which is annoying as you dont know if its going to beep again or not. It makes me anxious . Going to call them later and iron out another issue , Kings tomorrow for my heart and Guys on Monday for Pics line out and pump off . Yeah Free again . Have a great day all XX 

  • Oh Ellie I am a defo a survivor. I was going to work as a lighthouse keeper but they were becoming automated so worked on trawlers instead , which was a seven day a week job. Yes it is selfish of her and she has to realise that , I could quite easily sell the house  and downsize  and buy a flat . But I love the house the road and it suits me . I can play my music as load as I like and the neighbours can't say a word either side which is great . Have a Great Day XX

  • Hi Candysmum Thanks Agh I am just sick of it , been out in the kitchen sorting her washing and it's the last pile I am ever doing. It's my 62nd birthday today and I would ideally like as many years possible in the future  and should not have to deal with any s hit from anyone least of all my daughter. She is a smart girl but just doesn't know that she is on a gravy train that's has made its final stop . I want her out  asap as I am not  doing her no favours by letting her stay here rent free. The conclusion will be she can move out and live in the real world, She even had the cheek to suggest I sell the house if I couldn't afford to live here. I told her its not what I can afford its what she can afford lol . I am sure it will all be ok at the end of the day   

  • Hi Ellie I could not agree more regarding the stress. It's not like this is something new regarding the rent and  constantly asking her  to be more considerate. I think the worse time was when visiting the hospital and them insisting there wasn't anything wrong until they said I had heart failure and It certainly does not help getting amazon drivers knocking on the glass door like the house is on fire , When you can't even stand up while dizzy and feeling well . That is now nipped in the bud Thanksfully An other rant over X 

  • Happy birthday!!! I hope you are going to do something to celebrate, or have plans for the day for something enjoyable to do. It should NOT involve the washing machine!



  • Thanks Candysmum Might take the car for a spin later , Off to the hospital now for heart scan so all good. Have a great day looks like a hot one 

  • Well latest up date the rent of £500 arrived in my account which I suppose is a start. I suspect the coin is beginning to drop  , I won't be doing anymore washing , moving shoes , coats etc , cleaning kitchen etc. Time for me now . Thanks you all for the listening ears , Hope your all feeling good today XX

  • That's great news Minmax!

    Hope your heart scan had a positive outcome yesterday. Do you have to wait for a discussion of results, or were you told straightaway? Waiting is the worst thing!

    Hope all goes smoothly on the daughter front from now on.

