Feeling low

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This is difficult to write, especially knowing that others are experiencing very difficult times right now.  I have an incurable blood cancer (ET), and although my symptoms/side effects of the medication are manageable I’m finding I just can’t feel positive about anything. I don’t have the energy to go out and enjoy things like I used to (I do occasionally see friends for coffee). I don’t have children and my elderly siblings live at least an hour away. I am married but my spouse is out at work during the week so I spend a lot of time on my own which I know isn’t always very helpful.  I used to be creative with painting and making little stained glass pieces but I can’t see the point of making anything. I don’t play my instruments anymore either. On the face of it I seem fine but I’m good at hiding things. I know one or two of my friends find it uncomfortable dealing with my condition and how I’m not the same person I was a few years ago. Anyway, thanks for listening. I don’t like being like this and I don’t want to go on any medication to make me feel better, as I’m on enough pills as it is!  I seem to have been giving a lot of emotional help to others recently too, which I’m happy to do, but I’m now feeling a bit thinly spread.
Sending you all love and support.  


  • Ah yes, Eddie.  The beach is Sango Sands at Durness Bay in the far north.  Absolutely gorgeous, as is Balnakiel Bay round the corner.

  • Ah yes, Eddie.  The beach is Sango Sands at Durness Bay in the far north.  Absolutely gorgeous, as is Balnakiel Bay round the corner.

  • Hi Kate

    thanks for such a positive response.  You have really good suggestions and I started to think of a small stained glass piece I could make. The fact I’m THINKING about it is a step forward. There is a Maggie’s Centre at the main hospital where I stay but it’s 30 mins drive away on the motorway and often my fatigue levels just makes me feel like not going far.  That sounds so feeble!! I do go to the haematology support group once a month but sadly the Leukaemia Care worker has left and due to budget cuts won’t be replaced.  The group is led by another oncology specialist so it’s good they’re trying to keep it going.  My husband takes me across and he carries on his work online in a little corner of the building. I have made a new friend from the group and occasionally meet with her but she’s been poorly recently so not talked to her for a while. I don’t know about a MacMillan group locally.  Someone at the support group thought there was one that ran in different small towns near me in a rota.  I wonder if I could find out here…

    It’s been inspiring hearing from others on here and I appreciate it so much. I feel others have it so much worse, and then I remember how radically my life has changed. I feel sorry for my husband who is my carer, as I feel we don’t do all the things we might have done and I’m keeping him back. He’s a saint really, and says it’s all fine.  He turns 60 this year and I wanted to go on a nice holiday but he says it would be too much for me and that he’s happy doing very little, maybe going to a fancy hotel or spa instead. He pushes me around in my wheelchair when I’m very tired - not much of a break for him!!

    Anyway thank you for your encouragement Heart


  • Thank you - and yes, I completely get the thing of buying stuff to make you feel better.  I do too! That’s lovely you have a nice neighbour so I hope you can actually have more chances for that cuppa with her.  I’m sorry your friends are not around so much anymore - I just don’t understand people…. But it seems there are lovely people here to offer support.


  • Hi Skaro

    Thanks for your kind words! You've had some lovely messages from people on here. It is a really good forum where you can share feelings with others who are in the same boat. 

    I hope you feel better soon, and start to build up some energy.



  • My pleasure Skaro, good to meet a fellow beach lover, there's not many I haven't been to, Bamburgh  and Northumberland many times, also been to Durness bay having been round Scotland a few times, though unlikely to do it again you never know. I was happy to retire early age 53, worked alone 95% of the time in palliative cancer care, so got to see how people cope with cancer and their regrets. Though I see, every day as a fresh start,  I do look forward, have some short trips up coming, my 8th grandkid due in July and getting married in October, I have also got everything in place for the end, so I can focus on living, PS my favourite beach is Morar  near Mallaig.best wishes.

    Eddie xx

  • Well Eddie, I've just read your post about loving beaches! SNAP, me too! It really IS a small world! Would you believe my husband and I got married in October 1971 and we hired a cottage called Toogle that was on the beach less than a mile from Morar! Some nights we walked to the only pub in Morar at that time and had a beautiful meal, then with our torches (as there ware no street lights) back to the cottage! We returned 15 years later with our two children and then again a few years later!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi again Suzy, My husband also pushes me in a wheelchair when I need it. Just think how you would feel if things were reversed and he was the one with the diagnosis. Would you happily be his carer or would you resent him! I'm sure you would take care of him without a 2nd thought! So there is nothing to feel guilty about. Last September unexpectedly my husband was diagnosed with Bowel Cancer and had to have surgery for the first time in his life. When he got home, I looked after him as best I could! Now we take care of one another but it doesn't stop us having breaks away. In fact we are in Durham this week. We live in Scotland. In August we are having another break but this time staying in Scotland, not far from home! It doesn't matter where we go, it is nice just to have that boost. We certainly don't do anywhere near as much as we used to, but still enjoy every minute!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Morning Annette, the beach is called Tougal beach, I go everytime I visit my auntie, my first partner and I discovered it 40 years ago, don't know how many times i have been must be over 50, taken all my family, a few friends and even 4 dogs, a wonderful place. Hope Durham is all you both hoped for, say hi to Vince for me, take care.

    love Eddie xx

  • Yes Eddie, The predicted text must have changed the spelling and I didn't notice it. We stayed at Tougal Cottage which is right on the beach! That will be 53 years ago this coming October! I don't think once you have been there, you will ever forget the Silver Sands! Small world eh!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!