Feeling low

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  • 47 subscribers

This is difficult to write, especially knowing that others are experiencing very difficult times right now.  I have an incurable blood cancer (ET), and although my symptoms/side effects of the medication are manageable I’m finding I just can’t feel positive about anything. I don’t have the energy to go out and enjoy things like I used to (I do occasionally see friends for coffee). I don’t have children and my elderly siblings live at least an hour away. I am married but my spouse is out at work during the week so I spend a lot of time on my own which I know isn’t always very helpful.  I used to be creative with painting and making little stained glass pieces but I can’t see the point of making anything. I don’t play my instruments anymore either. On the face of it I seem fine but I’m good at hiding things. I know one or two of my friends find it uncomfortable dealing with my condition and how I’m not the same person I was a few years ago. Anyway, thanks for listening. I don’t like being like this and I don’t want to go on any medication to make me feel better, as I’m on enough pills as it is!  I seem to have been giving a lot of emotional help to others recently too, which I’m happy to do, but I’m now feeling a bit thinly spread.
Sending you all love and support.  


  • Hope you fill a bit brighter tomorrow than today. Night

  • Catch ya tomorrow 


  • It is an inspiring place


  • Hi  my step dad has ET and I know how extremely fatigued he feels. He really struggles some days, so I know how tired your condition makes you. 

    Im like you I’m really good at hiding things. Like the calm swan on the water, but really my feet are paddling frantically under water. There are days when I don’t want to go out, but I always feel better when I do. 

    I think it is a common theme for people with cancer to lose friends, and many of us here have seen our friendship group grow smaller. This is certainly the case for me, I even had one friend that said she thought I was “over all that”. As if you ever get over having cancer. 

    I hope you manage to get back to doing your hobbies. It’s hard when you can’t do the things that you once enjoyed so much. 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Skaro

    Sorry you find yourself in this low mood, and thanks for posting about it.

    I think motivation levels do go up and down, naturally, and if you've been giving out emotional support to others recently, it's not surprising that you're now feeling tired and low. Your mind and body need time to recoup and refresh.

    I too am a creative person...I produce textile pieces, quite large (rugs and wall-pieces). When I moved into my house a year ago, I made a couple of rugs because I needed some! Since then, I haven't done anything, and can't seem to get going. It is very frustrating, but inspiration seems to have gone.

    However, a niece visited recently, saw my work and asked if I could make something for her....so I do have that to make a start on. Maybe you could offer to make something small for one of your friends, or family members? It may motivate you to get your paints out, or the glass equipment.

    Or...do you get to visit a drop in centre, Maggie's or Macmillan? My nearest one has a craft group, doing different things each time they meet. Maybe you could offer to show others how you produce your work? Or just go along and observe for a while, meet some like-minded people.

    Yes, I've lost friends as a direct result of this cancer experience. But those that have stuck are definitely still there! Only one of my siblings has shown any sustained interest.....but from what others say, this is par for the course. I have been feeling very isolated recently. This forum has been a HUGE lifeline for me, and I'm really glad it's here 24/7. There is always someone to talk to, even in the small hours!

    Keep posting! Lots of people on here will respond with encouragement and support.



    • Hi Skaro. I to have days and days were I just sit amd let my mind take over .it's awful ad then the tears and why me comes into it. Sometimes I do nothing but sit on the sofa alone all day and night as I live alone. Then it's like a switch goes on amd I think right I'm doing this or that and I make myself do it. Sometimes I just get the bus to a different town for a coffee on my own. But the downside to that Is I buy things I don't need from anywere.just to make me feel better. Well you can't take the money with you cam you.  My friends have long gone since my diagnosis I only have 3 now but don't see them much. My next door is nice I wish she would retire as I go in hers for cuppa when she of work .selfish of me wanting her ro retire but you cling to the only bit of normality you get .take care and remember you not alone you will always have us to chat to xx
  • Hi Bev I have done similar for a while and find its nice having or getting yourself into some type of simple routine that brings you pleasure everyday and also little accomplishments that break the mould of doing nothing. It really does work wonders . Something as simple as moving a book or a pair of socks or anything that hasn't moved for a while can be so satisfying. I find walking everyday for a few miles keeps me sane and cannot recommend it enough . I honestly dont think I would be alive without this site, walking and counselling with all the crap I have had to deal with , Good Luck

  • Hiya. I have no motivation to go walking. I should be judt think oh I cant be bothered.  Then gets to night time I think I could and should have went for walk. Your mind just plays tricks with you all time. I have councilling I see phycologist it was done through my oncologist. I like talking to the lady she is lovley and it's face to face. Hope you are well take care xx

  • Hi Bev Tell me about it lol , I was just happy making it downstairs at one stage and then trying to take medication was the next big effort. It's a pain in the arse but what choice do we have ? . We have to crack on as best we can , My neck is starting to give me more aggro like a  leg cramp but in my neck and I have to move it to ease it . But this isn't good as the next step will be pain killers. Yes counselling does really help in a big way regardless of what you're going through . It helps to have a listening ear that is non judgemental. I couldn't believe how my views were wrong and misguided and was very happy to see these change for a positive outcome and feeling much better about my situation. It certainly helped me , All the Best Minmax  

  • Thank you so much for your kindness and support, and advice.  It means a lot. Two hearts