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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - June 2024

  • 717 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  


Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • Good Morning Everyone

    Lovely bright morning, though it may change, who knows.

    Off out soon, then food shopping, very exciting, my life is full of excitement.

    Hope all are good, and any one with hospital appointments or treatment, hope  it goes well..

    Make the  most of your day.

  • Well what able body people think is wheelchair friendly and what wheelchair users think are 2 different things, before making this statement companies should talk to wheelchair users first, when spouce was in a wheelchair it opened my eyes to how difficult handling a chairs is.

  • Hi Eddie you've got a good friend there have a pint for me I can't drink with my seizures, Ringos been miles and I've had a breakfast and feeling a little better 


  • Hi Ulls couldn't agree more, as usual some pen beaurocrat think's they best, if they talked to a wheelchair user everything would be one right straight away, maybe put them out of a job?

  • Great to hear your feeling better, it's nice to hear, won't be having a pint for you, or me, as i don't drink, and no breakfast either as i havn't opened Bs in four days, Dr calling soon. take care.


  • Take care and enjoy your day 


  • Just wondering if anyone can help. My hair had gone really really thin since I started my chemo. I havnt lost my hair I think its because I'm only on chemotherapy tablets. I will be on these tablets the rest of my life . Was just wondering if anyone new if I could get hair extensions in just to make my hair look thicker and fuller or would I not be allowed to do that. When I've looked online I can only come across them for people who's chemo has stopped. X

  • Hi Bev, I've just had my 2nd does of chemo today, as normal I showed this morning as I was drying my hair I noticed a gray snow fall, yes my hair is falling out already not as bad for a man as for a woman.

    If I was you I'd ring Macmillan help line 0800 800 00 00.

  • Hi Bev, I'm sorry I can't help regarding hair extensions but when I was on Trial Drug my hair got really thin and patchy. The Specialist Hairdresser in Maggie's advised either a wig (which I couldn't get used to) or to get my hair cut short and start using Plantar39 which gives your hair a bit of body. I use it every second wash! My hair is still fine but it is not patchy now!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Good morning Annette, my hair is getting rather thin too with the Ibrance tablets. Does it take long to see a tad of improvement? I have a wedding to attend next month so not oodles of time to get some improvement. 

    wishing you all a good weekend Alana