Chemo And up date, from Ulls

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  • 48 subscribers

Hello Everyone,   Just thought I’d give you an update,when I was first diagnosed I was told I could have treatments A,B,C and D, welI I’m now on Plan D, for several months my PSA has been rising, and is now 27 I started at 25.1, after CT scans with and without dye, an anomaly was seen in my peritoneum which is a membrane which covers all of you main organs, part of that is called the Omentum which the area around the tummy button. 

Since then it has been confirmed that this is due to further metastatic spread and is the reason for my PSA going up.

The Hormone tablets have been stopped as they are no longer working so good by plan A,B,C,  Plan D is Docetaxel chemo plus 2 further tablets. The first session occurred this morning 9am till 12.30 pm. I'm having 6 cycles 3 weeks apart, the list of side effects makes two lists on an A4 sheet, some don't seem too bad but the others are dreadful.

 Still I’ll go with it on the hope it extends my life with a good quality, I’v been told i’m still an incurable so will just go along with it in the hope that some thing else will come along one day.

  • Hi Ulls Sorry to hear this news. As much as it's a bloody pain you have the right attitude and that's the way forward imho. Regarding the side effects dont ponder on them as you wouldn't take any tablets if you read the side effects. I just put my heart tablets out for the month eleven a day . Chemo next week will be a few more. All the Best Minmax 

  • Keep positive ulls, we have to be strong together as were coming and going it's chemo time here again next week so I'll probably be in bed, take care


  • Hi Lec, You are right to rest when you need it and allow the chemo to work! If this weather keeps up, you could always have a sleep in the garden, in the shade!! Take care

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette good advice, we have to do whatever we have to


  • Hi  

    I'm very sorry to hear your news of further mets to the omentum. This area of the body was mentioned when I had my second surgery as to whether they removed or took a biopsy. Thankfully it was the biopsy, as they said removal would make me very sickly.

    It's a blow for you but keep keeping on Ulls. There's a treatment you can have, so that's a good thing. I had Paclitaxel which sounds like it's the same family of chemo as your Doxetaxel. Make the most of your 3rd week after chemo as that's when you will be feeling ok. Plan some nice things to do, doesn't have to be much. I remember going to the seafront for an hour or so. I couldn't walk far as I had no energy, I felt really depleted, it was the cumulative effect of the later cycles of the chemo.....but I sat on a bench and looked at the sea and enjoyed an ice cream. Little things will keep you going.

    Hope you don't get anywhere near 2 side of A4 side effects. I hope you get good results from the treatment and that it gets rid of the pain.

    A x

  • Hi Sistermoon, thanks for you comments, but I haven't gone through much in comparison to you.

    Yes both of our chemo treatment is from the same group, you'll never guess what, but I like to sit at the coast, mainly Roker, with an Icecream ice cream, simple joy of life.

  • Hey  , no comparisons. We as a group are all in the sh**te together.

    We were at Seaham that time. I had Turkish delight ice cream from the gelato place Yum

    A x

  • Yummy, I like ice cream, and Turkish delight but never had them together.

  • There you go, something to aim for Yum


  • Hi Ulls, Well SNAP, That is by far my favourite place to go to, the seaside, any seaside for an ice cream!      When I had an appointment for Oncology at the beginning of my journey for scan results, after the clinic, my husband and I would drive to the coast and comfort one another if the news wasn't too good or celebrate if it was good or stable. We always had ice cream, no matter the weather!

    Hi Sistermoon, We are going to Durham for a week at the beginning of next month and we're thinking of a visit to Seaham. I wonder can you remember the name of the gelato place you went to please?  Mmm Turkish delight & ice cream, sounds interesting. I like having an oyster!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!