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Online Community Site Fixes - Update 08/05/24

  • 8 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi everyone,

This is just a quick update to let you know that our development partners released an update to the website last night, and this update should resolve a number of the site usability problems we have been experiencing.

Our development partners have another update in the works to take care of any remaining issues, so we will let you know when that work has been completed.

If anyone encounters any further problems, please let us know by sending us an email at

For advice on what information we will need to know, please see our instructions HERE.

Many thanks for your continued patience. Green heart

Your Online Community Team

  • Thank you guys, I will always appreciate everything you do for us,


  • Thank you for your kind words   Green heart

    Best wishes,

    Macmillan Community Team 

  • Can you please tell me what problems has been resolved, as for me nothing has changed, as yet,

    Still no flad mod button or the others, and still a delay and having to keep refreshing. Thanks.

  • Hi team

    That's great news! 

    BUT, have you any plans to let 'lapsed' forum users know? I've noticed that there are now very few posts in the forums that I use, so I've wondered if people have simply stopped using the online community? It would be a pity, as I for one have found it a real lifeline!

    Keep up the good work, everyone appreciates it.


  • I agree, it's great work and a lovely lifeline


  • Hi, Like Ellie, I still have the delay in the post, also I cannot Edit posts as when I press 'more' nothing happens. I also have problems replying to PMs.

    it would be helpful to know what has been fixed and what has still to be looked at!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Morning all.

    Thanks for your comments, it is appreciated. Please accept our apologies, though. This thread should have been locked so that we could receive further reports via email (as requested in the original post).

    I've locked this post now, but if you are still encountering problems can you first please:

    1. log out of your account
    2. clear your browser cache/cookies 
    3. log back in

    This is vital as it will make sure the site is loading all new data.

    For instructions on clearing your browser’s cookies and cache, please click on the following links (they link to each browser's official support page): ChromeEdgeFirefoxSafari on iOSSafari on MacOS.

    If the 'Flag' (previously 'Flag to moderator') button is still missing or new replies/posts fail to automatically load for you, please send us an email as directed and include the following vital information:

    • What sort of device you were using (e.g.: laptop / desktop / mobile / tablet / smart TV)

    • What operating system and version number the device uses (e.g.: Windows 11 version 23H2 / MacOS 14.1 / Android 14.0 / iOS 17.1.0)

    • What web browser and version number you were using (e.g.: Edge 119.0.2151.44 / Chrome 119.0.6045.124 / Safari 17.0)

    Lastly, regarding 'lapsed' users, it's a nice idea but sadly we can't know who is truly not logging in because of technical issues, and those who are simply taking a break.

    If you know someone who specifically has told you they're not visiting the site because of technical difficulties, please ask them to contact us using the email address so we can support them further.

    Thanks for your continued patience and constructive feedback. Slight smile

    All the best,
    Macmillan Online Community Team