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Lovely Morning Chit-Chat-Thread - May 2024

  • 631 replies
  • 47 subscribers

New month, new thread - as requested by  

Daily Life chit chat for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV - whatever your day has in store for you. That is daily life!

Even having a laugh, that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic please start a new thread so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

Hope this is to everyone's approval.


  • Morning Ellie, best wishes for today, hope everything runs smoothly.


  • Only thing not running smoothly is me, to early for me.

    Thanks Though

  • Good morning Ellie,  hope your scan goes well. Safe journey. Hoping  for good results as well. XX


  • Good morning Eddie,  hope you're  scan goes well,  also have a safe trip to Scotland with your family.. Have a good break.  xx 


  • I know what you mean Ellie, takes longer and longer to get going in the morning and your knackered long before bed time,


  • Thank you Moi, looking forward to Scotland though have to be back Tuesday for cancer hospital appointment. Moi tell me how they can change my appointments, different Dr date time or even hospital and from a F2F to a phone appointment which, i know they prefer, why will they not change my Tuesday one to a phone consultation, it's just a, how are you doing talk, may cancel, thanks for the advice in advance,


  • Well that is me finished with,, took 2 hours to get there, no one else waiting, come on ,straight in scanner, yes an hour timed it from when i took my watch of till  put back on.

    Make you laugh, it is freezing where they do this scan, and i asked for a blanket., i meant one to go over my legs.

    Well laying head in scanner, in he comes, raps  blanket under my toes, pulls it up, to under my chin, then lifts arms and yes,,,, ,,,,,raps arms down, ,,,,,. I thought this is what they do when they lay you out,, i did say tis is like a shroud, not today if i can help it,

    First thing after done find a toilet, t i walked round to where, you book in when you have an appointment., told them the 3rd June not a Friday, even they could not believe, the mistake.

    So sorted that was quicker than phoning up hanging on and getting no where.

    Well be an early night i reckon was up at 5, did not like that lol 

  • Ellie that went pretty well, no waiting and date mix up sorted. though a little funny about the blanket, at least you were warmer, though you never said, was it nice and quiet or boom bang all the way through. Now the wait for results, I do hope they are kind, best wishes.


  • I did fill like i was being rapped in a shroud.

  • No it was not nice and quiet, bang bang bang, der der der der, chop chop chop and that reminding me of a butcher cutting meat, and thought thats what they are doing slicing my Brain on the computer, Hope they have left me some.