Treatment imminent!

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Hi everyone 

I haven’t logged on for a while as I’ve been trying to catch up with friends and family before my treatment starts. I had my blood test yesterday, and spoke to the unit where I will have my treatment. I honestly can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I’m really hoping they ring me today to tell me I can’t start tomorrow. The more living I’ve done over the past month, the less I want to start. I’m sure I can’t be the only person to have felt like this. I’m working today in the hope that I will “snap out of it”!

  • Hi Jools not upset at all, going commando, sounds great, though it also means not wearing underwear. 


  • I know but it’s kind of funny!

  • Already posted on it, I am sure there will b some knickers or underpants along the way


  • When I was a kid, there used to be a 'thing' called Childrens Hour on the radio. They played this song called 4 Wheels on my Wagon....(yes, I'm really old!) which changed each verse so that it ended up One Wheel on my Wagon. I HATED this song. it made me cry! The horror of losing your wheels, and not being able to keep rolling along....even as a little child, I found the implications of it horrifying. The wagon was surrounded by Cherokee Indians, so not PC!

    Anyway, I've sung this song to myself whenever I've had setbacks, so now think I'm at the One Wheel on my Wagon stage. I don't feel pessimistic, but I would describe myself as a realist. I've known from the outset that I cannot be cured, and I accepted this. Yes, it was a shock, but I came to terms with it quite quickly. Even before I met my (lovely!) oncologist. I told him then that quality of life was more meaningful to me than quantity.

    Now, I regard myself as living with cancer. I'm doing my best, as you are, to enjoy this time with friends and family, and with my husband. That is the most that any of us, me Eddie and all those in the same boat. Lets support each other in that, and celebrate the good times, because we can and will still have them!

    Going commando.....too militaristic for my taste really. It was a passing comment!

    Take care, have a good Sunday and relax!



  • I’ll definitely be wearing mine!

  • I have to wear mine

  • Yet again I find myself agreeing with what you are saying. I was lucky that I saw my diagnosis! During a colonoscopy I asked “is that what I think it is”?, and was told yes. It looked like a “car crash”. I didn’t have to wait, nor did I go through the denial stage. I quietly accepted what I found and asked what we could do about it. There are times that I can’t believe how calm and accepting I was, and have been. I have been having counselling. When they asked at the beginning what I wanted to achieve, I said I wanted to know that I’d accepted my reality. I didn’t want to be one of those people who suddenly screamed and yelled about not being ready to go. I still don’t want to be like that, so I’ve already been in touch with local hospice. I’m a big believer in being as prepared as possible. Anyway, it’s Saturday night and there must be something fun to watch on the tv, so let’s think of another name for the thread and try again tomorrow.

  • Hi Kate, Like you i am a realist. I have no idea how long i have left and I am not interested in knowing at this time, What i do know is that i feel fine, I have no idea how i can feel this well with all the issues i have,  have felt fine since HT became my only treatment and i do not want to risk losing it to something that may or may not work and leave me feeling awful, PS going commando has another meaning.


  • Jools, I have been going to my hospice for 6 months, wonderful people, I too was ok with my diagnosis as i have been living with another terminal condition all my life which has nearly cost me my life several times and still might, good night.


  • Sorry I didn’t reply earlier. I was meant to be fundraising for Marie Curie, but they didn’t send me the details! They confirmed yesterday that I was supposed to do it. Anyway, as a result I decided to get as many chores done as possible. I have freed up some time in the week to do what I want to do. I did think that I remembered you saying that you go to your local hospice. I’m glad the people are nice there. Maybe you wouldn’t mind telling me what you get up to while you’re there? I haven’t had any flashes of inspiration regarding a new name for the thread. I’ll keep thinking.