Where's the snow!

  • 22 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Testing, testing 123! Here's hoping I'm posting in the right place this time.

Morning all and hope you are all keeping well. Was hoping to get up to a blanket of snow but alas no. I do so love watching the snow fall from my cosy couch but just heavy rain at present so it looks like another lazy day. Slept better last night, I have the odd good night but mostly I wake between 3 - 4 am every night. Twilight zone!!! Hate being awake in the early hours, such a lonely place to be. The GP provided me with sleeping tablets but still I woke up although I did go straight back to sleep for a change. The GP advised I can only have 14 days supply. What's the point of that? I just grin and bear it.

Hope you all enjoy your day whatever you may be doing.

  • Morning Marie some "experts" suggest if you cant get back to sleep to try and stay awake and focus on a spot on the ceiling ,think i will stick to relaxation therapy, hospital last Wednesday went very well, mostly, back again today for a scan, enjoy your day and take care.


  • oh okay I shall try that and thank you for the tip. If relaxation therapy works for you, stick with it. Really pleased to hear your hospital went well, thats great news. And good luck with your scan today, hope it all goes well too. Be careful and take care.