Where's the snow!

  • 22 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Testing, testing 123! Here's hoping I'm posting in the right place this time.

Morning all and hope you are all keeping well. Was hoping to get up to a blanket of snow but alas no. I do so love watching the snow fall from my cosy couch but just heavy rain at present so it looks like another lazy day. Slept better last night, I have the odd good night but mostly I wake between 3 - 4 am every night. Twilight zone!!! Hate being awake in the early hours, such a lonely place to be. The GP provided me with sleeping tablets but still I woke up although I did go straight back to sleep for a change. The GP advised I can only have 14 days supply. What's the point of that? I just grin and bear it.

Hope you all enjoy your day whatever you may be doing.

  • Hi Marie, no snow here, Australia 38 degrees tomorrow ...to hot.

  • Australia .. wow that's ace!!! 38 degrees? Eeeeeeeeek ... yes, it can be too hot to do anything. Just laze Slight smile

  • I agree, awake in the early hours with little to do triggers bad thoughts. They say don't use screens at bed time but unfortunately it's a must for me. When I'm awake at 4 I put  my laptop back on and watch something. Distracts me and is more likely to relax  me and drop me back to sleep. I will have a look at these things you suggest and thank you for the information. 

    I can find the chat thread but get stuck with do I post a new thread or do I just reply  to somebody's post that's there already?

    Thanks and enjoy your day.

  • I find going on my lap top for a hour just before going to bed helps me, though the experts say you shouldn't. Just reply to someone post it's what i do, I don't think i have started a new thread on this forum though have done a few on the other11 forums i am on. Hospital and therapy today with a lovely massage in between,


  • Don't understand why they're worried we will get addicted to them.  Does ot really matter for most of us?

  • Hi all 

    Just some information, to clarify for anyone interested.

    The reasons that GPs are reluctant to prescribe are that there are side effects from sleeping pills eg amnesia and hallucinations. They can also make a person drowsy and therefore at risk of falls. The person can also build a tolerance for them and become dependant/addicted and therefore need higher and higher doses. I've linked an NHS article on Insomnia.


    Best regards

    A x

  • Sorry the link wasn't as direct as I'd intended. Just click on the i and scroll down to insomnia.

  • I do the same. I woke up as usual at 3am this morning, couldn't get back off to sleep, watched an episode on my laptop and did drift off again so that's good for me. What do the experts know huh lol Thank you re the information on how to post, I shall try that. I hope all went well at hospital and you enjoyed your therapy and massage. Does sound lovely. 

  • Good point! You would think you would have more of a say in these matters.

  • Yes, this is what the GP said to me. And she said when coming off them sleep is even worse than what it was before. I didn't bother. I still woke up anyway when I tried one.  Thank you for the information, it's very useful.