Incurable cancer that has spread

  • 26 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hi I don’t normally post things about myself, but I’ve been feeling really low the last few days and need to lift my spirits again

  • I’m waiting to be allocated. I was referred back in November. The nurses are currently chasing it. 

  • Hi Bev, hope it's ok to use your name. I waited 5 weeks to see my counsellor so hopefully yours wont be long, my macmillan nurse at the hospice arranged mine. I don't know if you know that macmillan are working with Bupa to offer 6 free counselling sessions, they are over the telephone which i understand are not for everyone. Have you tried Maggies in Leeds,


  • Hi, I expect you will hear from the councillor soon, now the Festive season is over!

    Kevin (KLRM) I'm just wondering how you are now? Have you started your new tablets yet?

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette I collect my new tablets today xx 


  • Morning Kevin, just wanted to say hi again, lovely photo you put up i am so grateful for my family but don't/can't share everything with them so was very lucky to find the community and all the wonderful people on them where you can open up about anything. I hope today seems a little brighter and the new meds help, take care.


  • Hi Kevin, I hope this is the start of something good for you!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!