Struggling to eat meals.

  • 22 replies
  • 47 subscribers

I was really looking forward to Christmas Dinner, but only ate about a quater of the plate and it wasn't a big plate at that.

Anybody else started having this problem?  Do you have any tips?

I've just polished off 6 Mr Kiplin French Fancies, but theres something about actual meals at the moment, i have 3 bites and I'm full.

Hope every odys having a lovely Christmas!

  • Ho no Judy, not signing of with HELLO any more, I liked it, now sad Stuck out tongue winking eye

  • Ulls I know! I’ll miss it too. Hello Joy

  • Hahahaha nice one Judy 

  • Hi Harebellle I’ve not even started my chemo/immunotherapy yet, and am already struggling to find anything healthy that I want to eat. I’ve had muesli for dinner a couple of days! I’m going to have a flick through some recipe books to try and get inspired. I hope you find a solution to your problem.

  • Thanks for the advice everybody!

    Most evenings I have a bowl of apple crumble and custard.  I find I can eat loads of that. Custard!  I get the fresh custard from M & S and stew my own apples. So i tell myself its calorific and healthy at the same time!

  • That sounds scrumptious Yum it would be nice with ice cream too. 
    I’ve been looking up menus too to see if I can stomach anything. Going to do a tuna fish spaghetti. I’m ok with sweet stuff. Had Greek yogurt with stewed apple, blueberries, strawberries and raspberries for breakfast. That always seems to go down ok. Having egg, beans and mashed potatoes later with milkshake supplement and ice cream. 


  • Hi, In the evening I like to have a meringue nest (M&S ones are delicious) then top it with cutting fresh fruit, easy peelers, banana, berries, pear or anything I fancy. Then I pour Activia Yogurt on top. I particularly like the apricot, mango and peach flavours, but they are all nice. You could have ice cream in place of the yogurt if you prefer! That's what I did Christmas Day!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Meringue nice and gooey in the middle yummy yummy.

  • I'm a big advocate of proper Greek yoghurt [Fage] with honey, Also try finely grated cheese mixed with tinned fruit cocktail. Or with cottage cheese. I did this for my mum when she had trouble swallowing and it helped with the calories and tasted nice too. I have my meusli with Greek yoghurt and berries. I buy those big bags of frozen berries and a big bowl takes about 2.5mins in the microwave and does several breakfasts.  Rainie x

    Tuna fish spaghetti Judy?? God no.

  • I have Greek yoghurt with Finley chopped apple every morning.