Struggling to eat meals.

  • 22 replies
  • 47 subscribers

I was really looking forward to Christmas Dinner, but only ate about a quater of the plate and it wasn't a big plate at that.

Anybody else started having this problem?  Do you have any tips?

I've just polished off 6 Mr Kiplin French Fancies, but theres something about actual meals at the moment, i have 3 bites and I'm full.

Hope every odys having a lovely Christmas!

  • Hi Harebellle

    i too have a battle now with food, sadly. I just have eat small portions. Like you sweet stuff I can eat, no problem. I have nutritional supplements to support me. Have you been in touch with a dietitian? 
    I use to love food. My son did a spread today so I just nibbled at what I could eat. And as you say, I get full quickly and I’ve hardly eaten anything. 
    Judy x

  • Hi Harebelle, like MSG23 i have switched to small meals and try not to drink for an hour before eating and if i still don't feel hungry will do a little exercise as well, there are lots of sweet healthy foods. i make smoothies, Greek yoghurt and fruit, pear with cottage cheese and walnuts or frozen grapes, "much nicer than you think", and i do see a dietician and she approves of them even as a main course. But i do have days when i don't eat anything, which my bowels do not like. It could also be caused by stress, which raises your gherlin,"the hunger hormone", level which can give you a sugar craving, or your seratonin levels may be low. take care, Eddie

  • Hi MSG23,  i hope i am not out of order or prying where i shouldn't, but why do you end your posts with hello, Eddie

  • Eddiel 

     Joy It’s so annoying! I’m stuck with it. I can’t delete it. Don’t know how it happened. 
    I agree with the food you mentioned. That’s what I eat too. Stewed apple with Greek yogurt is nice.  
    I was told by the GP on Friday that it’s the chemo that’s causing my food problem. And my digestive system to react as it does. I just have to work round it! 

    (you have a number 4 at the bottom of your messages!) 

  • Have no idea about the number 4, but when trying to send my reply to harebelle i got this                                                    a message from the community team                                                                                                                                  used a word which makes us feel you                                                                                                                                might be in danger.                                                                                                                                                             i don't see it myself, I'm sorry Judy but i'm not allowed chemo so can't help, but friends who have did exactly what you are doing, small meals more often and about 8 weeks after treatment things were much better, take care, Eddie

  • Hi  

    Hope you're having a good Christmas. I have no answers about feeling full quicker, just healthy snacks more often?


    I'm not sure if the 4 and hello are sign offs. Go to your small profile picture at the top, click on settings and scroll down to signature - if the 4 and hello are in there just delete them but scroll down to the save button. Hope this helps.

    A x

  • Thanks  it sounds like the 'hello' and the '4' had been accidentally saved to your signatures. I have taken the liberty of deleting them for you  and  

    If you want to put something at the end of all your posts - similar to sistermoon's above - you can edit your 'signature' in your settings.

    Please don't worry about the pop-up message if it wasn't relevant eddiel. It's there to signpost members to further support if they need it.

     I hope you don't mind me commenting on your thread to help other members with using the Community. 

    I'm sorry to hear you struggled to eat your Christmas dinner. I can understand that this can be disappointing when you've been looking forward to a feast but your appetite just isn't up to it.  

    I hope you know that you can also call the Macmillan Support Line and have a chat with the nurses if you're concerned about your appetite or have questions about your diet. Our Support Line teams are available 7 days a week, 8am-8pm on freephone 0808 808 00 00email or live webchat.

    Warm wishes to all,

    Online Community Officer
  • Thank you Steph for deleting my ‘hello’ 

    I can’t use the phone very well as I am hard of hearing. But I would like to email you. I am losing weight because I’m not eating enough. I do take nutritional supplements but I shouldn’t be relying on them. 

  • Thank you Steph, to be honest i never noticed it until MSG23 pointed it out, PSi would like to know how to type words in green and slightly larger. hope you have some time off to enjoy the holidays, take care, Eddie