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Lovely Morning - Chit - Chat - Thread No 18

  • 790 replies
  • 50 subscribers

New Thread for Every One.

Daily Life, chit chat, going for Bloods, Scan Appointments. going Shopping, Cutting your Grass, what ever you may doing that Day, even if just watching TV.

Oncologist  Appointment, getting your Hair done, or just for a Walk, this is part of our Life.

If you have a special Topic, please start a New Thread, so others can see it, and Comment if they can help or Advise.

Hope Every One Approves of this.

Number 17 will be closed by Mods,

Merry Christmas to you All, and A Happy New Year.

  • why can you not have alcohol, you never said

  • He can’t be trusted to behave in polite company.

    And he is an awful singer after a drink. You will find out on New Years Eve.

  • So no karaoke then , some people  are awful singers with out a drink ,we  will see, better start practising, 

  • Well I tried to post this photograph on Rainie's Art page but it wouldn't upload. However as I see the box with the hills below, I'm hoping to put it here.instead!  This was taken at around 10.45 this morning here! I wondered if anywhere else was the same?

    This was taken from our front window!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Ellie you asked why no alcohol, because. Some of the new meds I take should not be taken and drinking alcohol.

    I can have 1 pint or 2 unit's that would just annoy me.

  • Hi Ulls, I used to enjoy a glass of Dry Wine with a meal but when I started the Trial Drug they were very clear, no alcohol at all. I was on the Trial for over 3 years and as Vince is tea total anyway, I just didn't bother taking it when I stopped the trial.

    At New Year and Christmas I enjoy a Baileys with ice! Cheers when it comes everyone!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette, lovely picture.  We have rain and rain and more rain. My family are going home tomorrow,  so am just enjoying a Baileys and the quiet. We had a lovely Christmas. I hope uou and Vince did. XX


  • Hi Ulls I have gone off alcohol a bit, NOT lol, but just the one is no joke.  I hope uou and your family had a lovely Christmas xx


  • Hi Ellie , hope you had a hood Christmas and looking forward to the new year xx


  • Annette that looks beautiful! We haven’t had snow here since 2018! X


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

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