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Lovely Morning - Chit - Chat - Thread No 18

  • 790 replies
  • 50 subscribers

New Thread for Every One.

Daily Life, chit chat, going for Bloods, Scan Appointments. going Shopping, Cutting your Grass, what ever you may doing that Day, even if just watching TV.

Oncologist  Appointment, getting your Hair done, or just for a Walk, this is part of our Life.

If you have a special Topic, please start a New Thread, so others can see it, and Comment if they can help or Advise.

Hope Every One Approves of this.

Number 17 will be closed by Mods,

Merry Christmas to you All, and A Happy New Year.

  • Merry christmas  to everyone. Hope you all had a great christmas and santa was good to you. Sorry i havent popped in for a while as i have been lucky enough to be in bed with some sort of very unpleasant virus so missed the celebration completely lol. Hopefully on the mend. As the year draws to an end i wish you all a great 2024 filled with health, hope and happiness. xxx

  • Morning Tricia Wishing you all the very best for 2024. Sorry to hear that you were laid up over Christmas, that is rotten but good to see you have bounced back Fist  hope you can enjoy New Years Eve instead to make up for it.

    Judy xxx

  • Good Morning Every One, ITS Friday  have got the day correct, every day been the same..

    Does any one, wake up of a morning, in a comfy position, and think i could lay here all day, and say another 5mins .

    Quiet bright here though rain due soon.

    Eldest son came in, and he went home, with loads and loads of gammon, he was happy, well youngest with land up with bread and jam, his own fault always comes just after Christmas and home for the new year, change their plans and do not inform the lady of the house lol.

    Enjoy your day, 

  • Sorry you have been not well, i know you have had better things to do, do not blame you.

    Glad you fill a little brighter, onwards and upwards. 

  • Oh yes! Ellie then have to say, 1 2 3 UP!!! Grin
    hate having to get up on these cold wet winter days.  Me thinks if if I didn’t have Ollie waiting for me downstairs I’d be be a lazy sod and just waste away! 
    But at least it’s stopped raining!!! And I still have a roof over my head. Not like some only an hours drive away!! 
    must get cracking, having my eyebrows done later. 
    hope younger son enjoys his bread and jam Joy


  • I'm happy being odd at least we have something in common at last.

  • That's it i am done, bed stripped, re made, washing on line and dried.

    Lounge hoovered and a dust, a blind man would like to see it, as my eyes are getting worse, will do lol.

    Tomorrow another day and up stairs to do, knock of time, xxx

  • That's the way Ellie, feet up cuppa watch TV, do you know what day it is.

  • ITS FRIDAY lol only because i take bone tablet on a Saturday and wanted to make sure today is FRIDAY xxx

  • It's wine day for you, no alcohol for me.