Done Painting

  • 12 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

I have finally finished what has been a very long and exhausting slog to complete some 30 pieces of new work for a forthcoming exhibition and I have no idea how I've managed to keep going. But now it's time for a rest before it gets put up on 20th December.

I hope that the ups have been many and the downs have been few for my Forum friends and that you are ticking along OK? As you can see from the above, I've made the most of my Stable Mabel status and am trying not to think about the next scan due at the end of January next.

Love and virtual hugs to you all.



  • Only just seen your full explanation for your extended absence.

    you can be forgiven on this occasion as I am currently in charge of procedures. Yours, BP enterprises.

  • wow Rainie you're very busy. I hope the exhibition will be a success.   

  • Hi Rainie, It's great to see you post again! Well you have been busy! Is it possible for us to have a quick preview of your exhibition or is it all hush hush??

    Dont listen to BP, it's just wishful thinking that he is in charge of anything! He's not well you know!!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Raine. Would love to have a peek at your art work. Wish you all the very best for the exhibition. I was hoping to start art classes with my neighbour but unlike you I couldn’t seem to get organised with having three weekly cycles of chemo and walking Ollie etc. 

    You have done so well Clap 

    judy xxx

  • Lovely to hear from you again, Rainie.

  • Hi there. How have you been? Yes, I've been busy and grateful to have a creative project to focus on. Can't believe that some 6 months have whizzed past.  One thing I've leaned is that I'm a lot slower than I was and everything takes five times longer than it used to. But without it I'd go mad with boredom. Will try and get the arty page going again and get some cheery stuff on it. I did post a Xmas card on the thread but it disappeared!!! Maybe they do when the threads are that old and not used? Anyway, might have to start a new one. Hugs. Rainie x

  • I hope the exhibition goes well

    Love and e-hugs back to you xx


  • Hi  

    Great to hear from you and great news that you are still stable. Well done on the artwork.

    A x

  • I’ve seen your show advertised Rainie, it’s in Clay isn’t it? I’d love to come but my husband is unwell with suspected cancer, yet to be diagnosed, nearly 6 weeks after first went to dr. He’s so unwell and so trips are short. I’d so love to see it. I’ve seen your Birds Eye view paintings on FB I think and love them. Congratulations on the show. Hope it goes well for you and all your artist friends x