Bad Times

  • 12 replies
  • 45 subscribers

I have just joined this forum after being told head and neck cancer is likely terminal. Tomorrow I am back with the team to discuss my options. Such a hard time of year with the cold and dark and I really feel like the world is coming to an end. I guess I am grieving for my joy in food, chatting with an understandable voice and my previous looks. All these things are likely to be taken from me, they say probably, if I agree to a further operation which could give me longer. I’m fighting it but feel quite blue today. 

  • Ha Ha, I like that. Thanks. 

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry I am late to reply and hope you are having a better day. A warm welcome to the group. As you have found out, everyone is very friendly and supportive here. I hope your appointment went well and that you now have a plan. It is a good idea to write a profile, which is your story. You can click on my username to read mine. To write your own, just click on your own username, then profile and save when you're done. This helps others in their replies to you and saves you repeating yourself. Keep in touch and let us know how you're doing.

    A x