Bad Times

  • 12 replies
  • 45 subscribers

I have just joined this forum after being told head and neck cancer is likely terminal. Tomorrow I am back with the team to discuss my options. Such a hard time of year with the cold and dark and I really feel like the world is coming to an end. I guess I am grieving for my joy in food, chatting with an understandable voice and my previous looks. All these things are likely to be taken from me, they say probably, if I agree to a further operation which could give me longer. I’m fighting it but feel quite blue today. 

  • Hi so sorry you are feeling a little blue today.

    Well you do not need your voice here only in the words you type, and your previous looks,  people accept you for who you are, and what you are, that is the main thing.

    You have a right to fill blue, and i wish i could help you, as such, though use this group, because we all understand, what you are saying, at some point, we have been there, i have been incurable from day one, and i m not the person i used to be, for other reasons,  as well as cancer .

    I am pleased you have reached out, and others will come along, to support you, as well, that is what we are here for.

    Though i just wanted to say

  • Thanks Ellie for those kind words.xx

  • Hi Posi and a warm welcome to this terrific group. I know, as does everyone here how it feels to get that diagnosis but things will get better once you have discussed a plan of action with our oncology team. I think the not knowing what lies ahead is the scary part.

    Nowadays they don't really use the term 'terminal' rather than that they say incurable! This is because every month they are discovering new drugs to help with all types of cancer. There are a lot of us here (and that includes Ellie and myself) who have lived well after our expected sell by date. Ask your Team what options you have. I had surgery then went on a Trial Drug and it worked for me. Others have had chemo, radiotherapy or Immunotherapy's and have also outlived expectations! I try to take each day as it comes and enjoy it. That's the way I cope, I'm sure as Ellie said others will be by giving their coping methods etc. ask as many questions as you like, someone here has been there, done that, wore the tee shirt! I think the main thing is never give up!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thanks Annette, encouraging words. X

  • Hi Posi. Ellie and Annette have said it all. I am years past my sell by date as well. Plenty could turn up around the corner. Of course you are miserable but keep posting, it helps everybody.

  • Hi i hope, your meeting goes or has gone quiet well.


  • Hi, I hope you feel a bit better and more positive today! Remember to write down all your questions, so you don't forget to ask what you want to know. 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thanks, all questions written and sent in advance. Still a poor prognosis but slim chance I might get away with a more minor op, scans etc allowing Fingers crossed. Feeling more pragmatic. 

  • Hi Posi, just been thru you post, scared is normal, the worst thing is the waiting and not knowing, like all the others I'm past my sel by date, although I'm a new starter compared to the rest who have responded to you, All the best Ulls.

  • Hi Posi.. Nice to meet you albeit electronically. 

    So many in thegroup  have already responded (well that’s what they do, always happy to support) and talked about  joyously being past their sell by date. I like to think of it slightly differently. I’m past my best before date which means I’m not quite as fresh as I was but still quite tasty.Sweat smile I’m sure you will be the same.

    Good luck with your consultation and planned treatment.

    Keep positive.

    Sending virtual hugs Hugging 
