How to go about asking how much time you have left?

  • 28 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Its been well over 1 year since diagnosis and I sort of want to know a rough time frame - for how long I have left 

I've had first and second line treatment and have recently been put on a 'treatment break', wiith regular scans.

Apparently there's one more treatment they can give me when it all kicks off again, but apparently it's a very aggressive treatment and my Oncologist has hinted it could do more harm than good (only about 10% chance of being effective, with horrendous side effects to boot)

I get the feeling they're trying to put me off having it and are gently suggesting I go for quality over quantity in future.

I think I'm at the point now where I feel I ought to ask the dreaded question.

But how does a person go about asking it?

I'm also  worried about what my reaction will be, if its 'months', will I fall to bits?

Also, what if 'knowing it' becomes self fulfilling?

Any advice? X

  • Good morning, I am with you on this one. I would love to know a rough timeframe, it would help me with so many things (focus on letters, memory boxes, etc rather than dilly dally'ing about). Also, the practical side of life, I am lucky and have insurance to pay off my mortgage, securing my now wife in our home. There is a 1yr terminal illness clause, which would allow us to save the mortgage money for a year, once again removing a financial worry.

    Bit it's not jus that,  it's the knowing, the empowerment that gives as well as time to prepare mentally for the really difficult times to come.

    I appreciate everyone is different, and the way we deal with our time is different. So, as I do, ask the question and keep on keeping on, being grateful for the time we all have.



  • I like your attitude Simon. It’s not about giving up, it’s about getting on with living. I have no intention of waiting to die, but knowing that you might have less time than you thought, I’d a good incentive to get on with things. Good luck to you.

  • That's awful that your friend did that to you.  No friend, or family member, should feel they have a right to know without the consent of the person withthe ACTUAL cancer.

    I would have dumped her as a friend after behaviour like that 

  • Stable, but the last lot of chemo didn't shrink it. So im assuming that it will start growing again with no treatment. 

  • Hi, I asked my oncologist quit out of the blue, just  said how long have I  got, the poor woman looked gob smacked, she said 12 to 18 months depending on the person. For 18 months I had that on my mind.  I can honestly say it was a horrible 18 months. The only good thing about it I got my house in order. That was October 2019, guess what I'm still here.I try to enjoy what ever time I have left, I am me not cancer. Just get on and enjoy your break. xx


  • Yes we are no longer friends I didnt want her in my life after that x

  • I started doing memory boxes as soon as u found out. They all in my bedroom I keep adding little things every so often. I just need to add a birthday cards and Xmas cards for that 1st year im not here. Morbid as that sounds but they won't get anymore fron me so I want to add them to the box .x

  • I'm doing similar gathering a couple of things. Pebble art picture for my son daughter and husband. Going to get a card each for them and my little granddaughter write bit in as find it hard to talk about feelings to them. It brings me some comfort. Gave my granddaughter a pebble art one already when she had a new bedroom. 

  • Absolutely.  Isn't there something brilliant about a timetable. Knowing when you have to be somewhere, for it hopefully be a little late so you can carry on that conversation?! 

    Good luck, keep on keeping on


  • Hi all sorry about late response, the day I was diagnosed my spouse asked how long, we were told 6 to 24 month's, I set out and sorted out as much as possible so that my wife didn't have to cope with all the problems.

    As I'm well past the 24 month's I no longer worry about what time is left I just live life to the full, I know there will be a time that treatment will stop, but because I've sorted everything out I'm at peace with eventually dieing.

    Beside people died from other problems even if they have cancer, I feel for you and understand your concerns, I sure you will make the decision that is right for you, big hugs