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Lovely Morning Chit - Chat No 17

  • 730 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Another, new thread.

Daily Life chit chat, for bloods, Scans, Appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV, , what ever you day has in store for you .that is daily life

Even having a laugh that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic, please start a new thread, so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

So No 16  will be cancelled, and new one is No 17,

Hope this to everyone's approval.


  • No one wants to cry in front of our nearest and dearest  but if a sniffle wants to come out, sometimes you can’t stop it.

    I have told my family that I have howled at the moon quite a few times, and why wouldn’t I do that and why wouldn’t you.

    that’s why you are in here with all of your club friends.

  • Well i had my day planned out, there is a saying, the best laid plans of mice and men, so true, so my planned day, as yet nothing done.

    People phoning me up, to say not going to phone you today, make it tomorrow, twenty minuets later, nothing so queer as folk

    Then another phone call, going over, a subject we spoke about on Wednesday, so cuppa is called for, . then knock at door, yes they came in. Happy Saturday ellie, now. radio playing, a song always makes me fill up, I am dreaming of a white Christmas.  Got to laugh

  • Well just written a cheque, took me three attempts  , the last one i wrote, was last Christmas, to the hospice, where my hubby was,, have done since he passed, i call it his Christmas present.

    Rather be giving him his book to read, l but not meant to be.

    So hopefully will be doing again next Christmas, who knows.

  • You are popular, make it known you will no longer supply tea and biscuits and you will see your visitor numbers fall.

  • I can not do that, i am a nice person, to do that would not be very ,nice.

    Some people are popular and some are not.

  • I know but there are little ones who lost their mum 6 years ago. They are still struggling and love their Uncle Matt so I don’t want to be upset in front of them. Chances are they won’t even notice as all the cousins play together and are just involved in themselves. It will be fine, I feel stronger today. Thanks for your kind words
    Jac x

  • Good Morning, its Sunday and a bright Morning.

    I hope you are all well and have a day that you want.

    My eldest son will be over later, for our catch up,

    Have not seen Ulls for a few days, hope he is ok, and just busy, with xmas things and of course, wrapping my presses,. (that is a joke)

    Right breakfast for me.

    Enjoy your Sunday Everyone.. 

  • Sorry Jac, I didn’t consider any circumstances you were facing before I started my psychology lesson.

    I am so hoping the news is good for you both. X

  • Well was going to hoover, then thought why, because have just dragged the trees out, will need doing after.

    Whether i get them done, is another matter , but out the boxes, like the storm, before the calm,

  • It was a lovely day, there were tears, quite a lot from all the adults but the children didn’t notice as they were wrapped up in themselves and each other and their devices of course. Matt is pleased he came as he felt loved by all and it was a distraction. There was also lots of laughter as there always is in my family. Thank you for your kind thoughts and I don’t mind at all that you didn’t know the circumstances, how could you know? My daughter hadn’t told them she was home so that was a huge surprise for everyone and another distraction. We are crossing our fingers for an appointment to discuss treatment this week x