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Lovely Morning Chit - Chat No 17

  • 730 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Another, new thread.

Daily Life chit chat, for bloods, Scans, Appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV, , what ever you day has in store for you .that is daily life

Even having a laugh that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic, please start a new thread, so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

So No 16  will be cancelled, and new one is No 17,

Hope this to everyone's approval.


  • Ment clouds  xx


  • So Glad you survived the manic shopping today. As I just said to Ulls Wr never went near the shops today. Xx

  • Good morning, we’ll we’re off to London today, I’m going with friends to the national portrait gallery and then meeting Matt, son his girlfriend and my father in law to go to the theatre. We all need some distraction so looking forward to it despite the wind and rain. Have a good Saturday everyone x

  • Morning, well what a  difference, a day makes, yesterday lovely today, i say no more.

    Well i am ready for another day, i slept so good, was shattered lol ,cannot handle this pace,.

    Not sure what i may do,, have my breakfast, then we will see.

    Enjoy what ever, you are up to.

  • Have a lovely day, despite the weather.

    Get  a bit of normality, which we all need.

  • Good morning,  wow what a day uou have planed. Have a really good time with your family and friends. xx


  • Hi Ellie,  rain on and off here. We'er going to a Christmas Fete in the Palm House in Sefton Park this afternoon, a nice little change see if I can get the Christmas spirit  going GrinningChristmas treeSantaGift xx


  • Morning, only Christmas spirit i have, is in a glass, that will do me.

    You have a nice time, and blow the weather, x

  • Afternoon all, up late this morning, then a friend drop in, I got dress then went to post office with a parcle, got stuck 1 lady getting form's photos ect for pass port, and 1 lady applying for a driving license, they were at the counter about 20 minutes, driving license person still there when I left, Q was about 30 people long.

  • My spouse has just made what she considers a funny remark, on her way upstairs to wash the floor's, she said, when I done take Henry upstairs for a good sick, Henry is our vacuum cleaner, ho so funny, funny funny