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Lovely Morning Chit - Chat No 17

  • 730 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Another, new thread.

Daily Life chit chat, for bloods, Scans, Appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV, , what ever you day has in store for you .that is daily life

Even having a laugh that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic, please start a new thread, so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

So No 16  will be cancelled, and new one is No 17,

Hope this to everyone's approval.


  • It's not lieing still bit that bothers me it's being enclosed 

  • Good Morning Campers

    Well  set Alarm for 6.30,yes i did check three times, goes of, straight up, down stairs, kettle on, and then TV and the time was 5.51am

    Fill like i am on Holiday, as always get up early then, pitch  black, not raining.

    So two cups of tea, then shower.

    Later, when every one is Wakey Wakey.

  • Good morning Ellie the early bird. I'm up as well,  first cup of tea going down nicely. Haven't looked out yet so don't know about the weather. Happy shopping . Later xx


  • Morning Ulls,  I'm  also very clostraphobic,  the pet scan did me in and my head was only just in the tube. They haven't given me an MRI yet,hope they never do. Have a good day xx


  • Morning, well second cup, for me, now going in shower.

    Yes shopping, happy days, what ever your up to enjoy, x

  • Good morning everyone

    It's treatment day for me today my 3 weekly immunotherapy, I don't mind the treatment but I hate getting up when it's so dark and it's bloody cold, and yes I've got the heating on but I'm still cold. I have to be at the hospital for 8.30 and the journey time is about 30 mins so I'm off to get ready imminently. I've put all my clothes on the radiator to get warm. 

    On the bright side when I get to the hospital I will call at the café and get a lovely hot chocolate, that will be very tasty and warming and the lady who serves the drinks is so nice always has a kind word and after almost 2 years of attending the hospital she has got to know me and always asks how I'm doing, I always feel in better spirits when I've spoken to her and got my hot chocolate.

    I'm just about ready for Christmas, all presents purchased and wrapped and waiting to be delivered, I've cheated this year because I'm rubbish at wrapping parcels I got some fancy bags which you just tie at the top and they can be reused. Hopefully everyone is getting something they like or wanted but I've got all my receipts if they want to change anything. My biggest pile of presents is for my dogs Hattie and Hamish I'm sure I don't know how I managed to buy them so much stuff but I know they will enjoy all of it and Hattie is great at opening things so there will be lots of fun and laughter on Christmas day. I'm doing Christmas lunch as usual, I know my family are worried it's to much for me but really I'm enjoying the process. I've ordered all my meat from the local farm shop and a lovely fresh very box as well all being delivered Christmas eve, Christmas pud made and being fed with brandy it smells lovely, Christmas cake make being fed with rum, being marzipaned this weekend. So all my plans are in hand no last minute rush for me. This is the first year I've been so organised but I'm determined the cancer isn't going to stop me doing the things I've always done so planning and organising has been the key and I'm really enjoying myself.

    Well I'm off to put on my warm clothes ready for my journey to hospital, I hope my waffle made someone smile this morning, have a great day and have fun whatever you're doing and stay warm.

    Sending hugs xxx


  • Morning made me smile,  wore me out reading it, omg, good on you, i am the other way, got Christmas cards out to write, all in piles, then could not be bothered, so all put away again.

    Glad you have sorted everything, now you can enjoy, your time, with the family,

    My Christmas, is up in the Air as such, at the moment, though we will get some thing sorted, i am sure..

  • I loved your preparations for Christmas! I will soak my fruits this weekend and order food in. You’ve inspired me! It hope it goes smoothly today 

  • Hi Donna, hope uour treatment goes well and enjoy your hot chocolate.  My you are organised,   we are all going out for Christmas Dinner this year, the family won, don't want me cooking for England. But the cake is done and getting fed with brandy, most presents bought, (not wrapped yet). 

    I was suppose to go out to lunch with my sister today, but she's come down with Covid yesterday, so that bugger is still about. All be Careful out there. Think I'll wear my mask again ThinkingMask. XX


  • My Son had Covid two weeks ago, and now my brother has come down with i, so yes be creful.t