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Lovely Morning Chit - Chat No 17

  • 730 replies
  • 49 subscribers

Another, new thread.

Daily Life chit chat, for bloods, Scans, Appointments, going shopping, cutting grass, reading, watching some thing decent on TV, , what ever you day has in store for you .that is daily life

Even having a laugh that is a normal life, and we all have it.

If you have a special topic, please start a new thread, so people that wish to see it can, and can comment.

So No 16  will be cancelled, and new one is No 17,

Hope this to everyone's approval.


  • Morning Everyone.

    Christmas must be coming, the Joh Lewis Advert appears, well i await all the complaints, regarding it.

    Sick of people complaining of every thing that is on the TV do not watch it, some people, it must be their job, to complain, about everything.

    Well i see the Advert, and i laughed and laughed, made my day so far.

  • I haven't seen it yet never had TV on. I know I'm late postings today but just got back in.

  • Better late than never, hope your appointments went well. 

    Things will start to calm down and you will have so much more time, then what, you will get bored.

  • Good morning all

    Hope you all as well as can be. This morning I have scan results phone call and have had a lot of scanxiety this time as they’ve found extra fluid on my lungs. I’ve had an echo cardiograph and an extra scan to find out what’s going on. Got an hour to wait. My husband has also had an X-ray this week. They are trying to find out what lump on his neck is. He’s also got thrush down his throat that’s stopping him from enjoying food. He says it’s like eating razor blades. So we’re both a bit anxious. Oh well enough moaning, sky is blue blue blue and the autumn colours are magnificent this morning. What are you all up to? Shopping today Ellie? Sorry to hear that you are struggling with your ailments Ulls. Sending love.

    I have seen the JL advert yet Ellie but have heard it’s funny . I suppose I could find it online. 

    Love Jac x

  • Yes up early.

    I hope your results,  are good.

    Now waiting on hubby, if not one thing some thing else, hope again things are good.

    Yes dry here, blue sky, though cold.

    Well i thought the advert was really funny, though other  people watching it, will complain, hey nothing  better for the to do.

    Going out soon, thinking of you.


  • Hi Jac, hope both of your scans come back with positive results 

  • Thanks Ellie and Ulls, my scan results are all good thank goodness, nothing to worry about and I can stay on my first line of treatment. Hubby has come home utterly deflated as his neck lymph nodes have swollen up again and are like golf balls either side of his neck. They are not hard like the other one but his body is obviously not happy. We are suspecting lymphoma but know we can’t know until we know for sure. Hubby feels as though he wants to prepare himself though and I understand that as the first time I was diagnosed with breast cancer I was told by my doctor that it was probably a cyst. I was devastated when I went to my first hospital appointment where I had an ultrasound scan and a biopsy, to be told there and then that it was almost definitely cancer. So he’s thinking the worst. We are all different and I am doing my best to be there for him. Thanks for listening friends 

    Jac x

  • Hi i am glad, yours, have come back good.

    Though i can imagine how you are both feeling, at this  moment in time, yes  maybe some thing and may be not, here is hoping for the later.,

    Until, we are told for sure, we all think the worst, and any thing else i say is a bonus.

    Could be a few things, and as you know its the waiting, and that is the hardest bit.

    Always here, have been where you are, and you  will get threw what ever it may be..

  • All crossed for you both, it’s a bugger for sure.

  • Hi Everyone, As usual from me although I could say Good Morning, it's silly o'clock so I could say good night! I hope you are all asleep. I've been trying to catch up a bit. Ellie, good for you having Christmas sorted and I expect that will be the last grass cutting until spring so you will be stuck for something to do!!! Not!! Lol!

    Ulls, How ridiculous they have given you meds that won't mix with current ones. I wonder how many times they asked you what meds you were on? However they obviously don't take it in. I do hope it gets rectified quickly! Are your joints any better?

    Jac, Fantastic you got good results from your scans! Why is there always a BUT so sorry your husband is still waiting for his results! As Ellie has said, it's the waiting that's the worst thing and I can also relate to what you are going through! Let's hope it is all good news then we can all look forward to Christmas.

    BP I'm sure your wife doesn't have a thing to wear!!!

    I haven't seen the JL advert either, TV hasn't been on, I've better things to do than watch the rubbish they're showing! Now I will have to watch the advert! As you say Ellie, some people just moan for the sake of it and if they've nothing to moan about, they moan about that too!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!