Sick and Angry

  • 21 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Had pains in my stomach last evening then 11pm vomited, I thought it would never stop. The dry reaching stopped just after midnight. Left with no strength  and fell asleep, very bad dreams and woke at 3.30am. Very upset and angry. Ray made me a cup of tea, witch was soothing to my stomach. This is happening more often lately. I know we are all heading to the end game but I hate it and am so angry.Its my life and I want yo keep it. Rant over. A few deep breaths and let it all out and get on with things, its all I can do. XX


  • Thank you Tvman, yes I feel alot better now. I hate  my mood swings, I've told Ray to just leave me to get on with it as I hate being moody. Yes he is my greatest supporter and I'm more kind to him than moody, I hope. We are all here to support each other  and I'm glad our friendship is of help to both of us. Thank-you.  You've had a rubbish year and its good yo see things are improving  with Mrs. Tvman and your home at last. Love and hugs to you both. XX
