Sick and Angry

  • 21 replies
  • 48 subscribers

Had pains in my stomach last evening then 11pm vomited, I thought it would never stop. The dry reaching stopped just after midnight. Left with no strength  and fell asleep, very bad dreams and woke at 3.30am. Very upset and angry. Ray made me a cup of tea, witch was soothing to my stomach. This is happening more often lately. I know we are all heading to the end game but I hate it and am so angry.Its my life and I want yo keep it. Rant over. A few deep breaths and let it all out and get on with things, its all I can do. XX


  • Hi Moi, I know only too well what it's like to be awake during the night, I hate dark nights and dark mornings and in a couple of weeks at least the mornings will be a bit better!

    I'm sorry you have had a bad time of it but great you have your own Ray of sunshine looking after you!

    I wonder if you have been taking any anti sickness drugs because whenever I take them, I have bad dreams! Your mind definitely plays tricks at night, more so than during the day. I hope you are comfortable and asleep at the moment! I have just made Vince some tea and a bit of whole meal toast and hope he will settle down now! Take care, as BP said, we are all behind you!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Moi

    I'm very sorry to read of the bad time you've had recently. In my opinion, nausea and vomiting is really awful...I hate it! 

    I think we have all probably had similar experiences and when it happens throughout the night,  it's more difficult to cope with because it is draining anyway, and it's happening at a time when you should be and need to be asleep. Also, when we are ill, we automatically go straight to the mindset that things are getting worse, even if it could be a sickness bug, and then your worries tend to escalate. You have every right to feel upset and angry. 

    Hopefully, you are feeling much better now and the positivity has been restored. Take care and sending a gentle hug.  Hugging

    Helen xx

  • Hi Moi. That sounds awful, and I sympathise will you completely. It is just horrid when things like this happen with no warning whatsoever, and why does it always happen at night when we are tired and just want to sleep !

    I do hope you are feeling better today and rested. Maybe it was a little bug and you have it out of your system now x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Good morning Annette, I did have a good sleep last night, no dreams. i don't have any anti sickness drugs think my over active brain coursed the dreams. Hope Vince is improving a bit every day . Annette how do you manage with your sleep pattern and caring for Vince? I hope your getting some help. I'm still  moody, how Ray puts up with my mood swings I will never know. At least I haven't been sick again. I hope you have a good day. xx

    Love Moi

  • Hi Helen your quit right its horrid and when I'm sick its always at night. i had a good sleep last night, no dreams and haven't been sick again, still a moody madam . take care. xx


  • Hi Chelle, I'm ok today still moody, haven't been sick again, had a good rest and taking it easy today. I hope your ok and have a good day. xx


  • Hi Moi, night times can be traumatic,  you should be sleeping but your body and mind don't seem to get it. I'm glad you have Ray to help. And thank goodness for our forum here. Xxx 


  • Thanjavur Sarah I'm feeling alot better now , Ray and this forum do keep me going it's a god send. Hope you're well and take care xx


  • Hi Moi2

    So sorry to read you are having a rough time so I'm sending you a big hug and prayers and hopefully things will turn around soon for you. 

    Have a good weekend and have some fun Blush


  • Hi Moi2 I'm so sorry to read that you are being sick and it's awful to be retching and nothing coming up. You have been a brilliant supporter of me and that makes me feel even worse when I can't do anything for you. Hopefully this will pass because it certainly can't continue. I'm sending lots of love and hugs to you Moi2 and Ray.

    Take care and I hope by now you've turned the corner. I'm late to reply but I hope you understand why. 

    You need Ray to steady the ship so go easy on him because he's your greatest support.

    Take care and I hope you can show compassion for Ray.

    Tvman ((( ))) xx

    Love life and family.