What next!

  • 32 replies
  • 54 subscribers

I posted a month or two ago to say I was changing our GP surgery after being with the same practice for over 40 years,  as our GP was still not giving face to face consultations after Covid. I suspected there was something wrong with my husband Vince, so once we were registered he got an appointment and was very impressed with the attention he got. 
As a few of you already know.he was sent to get his blood checked the following day and the doctor gave him a kit to check the bowel. It came back showing blood in the sample. The following week (which was last week) he had to go for a colonoscopy.

We saw the Consultant this morning at our local hospital who confirmed Vince has Bowel Cancer. We had to go from that hospital to another hospital, the Royal Infirmary in Glasgow, so he could have an iron infusion.
He has to have an operation to cut out part of the large bowel where the cancer is.
On Tuesday he has to be at our local hospital for 9am to have his pre-op assessment, then On Wednesday he has to be at the larger Glasgow hospital for 7.30am to actually have the surgery. He will be in hospital for about seven days, then the recovery is several months. We are shell shocked!
Once they cut the cancer plus part of the large intestine it will be sent to histology and only when the result of that comes back, will they know whether or not he will need chemo.
The scan at present shows no spread but the surgeon will remove and test lymph nodes just to be sure.

If there is anyone reading this who prays (to any God, I don't mind) will you please say a prayer for us. As you can imagine our family just can't believe it is happening!

Thanks everyone, I will update you once the surgery is over.

Take care

 Love Annette

Yesterday is History.   Tomorrow is a Mystery.  Today is a Gift!

  • Oh Annette...it is hard isn't it? But it is amazing how love can help to wake up and even to feel better. Let's hope he now recovers well and will be home soon. Then it is just the awful waiting game. Hugs Pet

  • Dear Annette - l am new to this forum. I have read your post and really feel for you and your husband. I do pray to God and l will pray for you and Vince. I don’t know whether he has had his surgery yet but l am wishing you both all the luck in the world. 

  • Dear Onk, I have not long posted a reply to you welcoming you to the Group.

    Thank you so much for saying a prayer for Vince. He had his surgery last Wednesday and was alright Thursday & Friday but during the night Fri\Sat he was very ill. He has until today only been allowed to drink water, then todays they removed the tube down his nose and he had tea then clear soup for dinner. So hopefully he is on the mend.

    It was very kind of you to take the time to ask! Thanks!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Really pleased that Vince is now slowly on the mend, and is able to have something other than water to drink. That is promising news. Hope he continues to do well!



  • Thanks Kate (Candysmum) Yes it is good to see him looking a bit better. He's now had tea, jelly & custard and so far it has stayed down, so I hope and pray, this is him on the right road. The idea now is to slowly introduce soft foods etc He had lost a lot of weight before his surgery and more since, he has been the same weight  since he was 18 until now. I wish I could say the same!!

    I would like to thank everyone, once again, who has replied, reacted and emailed or sent me a pm to offer support, it is very much appreciated and I hope this is all our prayers being answered.

    please keep up the prayers as we are still waiting on the results of the biopsies etc

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I’m glad Vince has had his surgery. I hope he continues to improve x

  • Hi Annette,  this is great news about Vince, we're all thinking positive thoughts for a good recovery sending good vibes and hugs to you both. xxPrayPrayPray


  • Hi Annette

    I continue to pray for your hubbies recovery I hope he is doing well, how are you doing? It's important to make sure you look after yourself at this time, I know you are a very brave sensible lady but it's easy to forget to look after yourself so I'm just checking that you are taking care.

    Hugs for now 


  • Thanks Chelle, Have you been ok and just taking some time out? I do hope that's all it is.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thank you  I’m ok, I just had to take some time for myself. 

    I hope Vince is continuing to improve everyday xx 


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    Maya Angelou

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