What next!

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I posted a month or two ago to say I was changing our GP surgery after being with the same practice for over 40 years,  as our GP was still not giving face to face consultations after Covid. I suspected there was something wrong with my husband Vince, so once we were registered he got an appointment and was very impressed with the attention he got. 
As a few of you already know.he was sent to get his blood checked the following day and the doctor gave him a kit to check the bowel. It came back showing blood in the sample. The following week (which was last week) he had to go for a colonoscopy.

We saw the Consultant this morning at our local hospital who confirmed Vince has Bowel Cancer. We had to go from that hospital to another hospital, the Royal Infirmary in Glasgow, so he could have an iron infusion.
He has to have an operation to cut out part of the large bowel where the cancer is.
On Tuesday he has to be at our local hospital for 9am to have his pre-op assessment, then On Wednesday he has to be at the larger Glasgow hospital for 7.30am to actually have the surgery. He will be in hospital for about seven days, then the recovery is several months. We are shell shocked!
Once they cut the cancer plus part of the large intestine it will be sent to histology and only when the result of that comes back, will they know whether or not he will need chemo.
The scan at present shows no spread but the surgeon will remove and test lymph nodes just to be sure.

If there is anyone reading this who prays (to any God, I don't mind) will you please say a prayer for us. As you can imagine our family just can't believe it is happening!

Thanks everyone, I will update you once the surgery is over.

Take care

 Love Annette

Yesterday is History.   Tomorrow is a Mystery.  Today is a Gift!


    Hi Everyone, thanks again for your support and prayers. 

    Vince had to be at the hospital by 07.30 thankfully there was not much traffic. When the nurse came to greet us, she handed me a piece of paper telling me to phone the number on it about 13.00 & they would let me know what ward he was in. At that Vince said "are you not waiting with me?" The nurse said, you are not waiting, you are coming right in! I phoned every hour from 13.00 until 16.00 & they said he had just gone up to the Surgical High Dependency Unit and gave me the number. They said he had just arrived, could I call back in an hour as they were getting him settled. At 17.00 they said he hadn't yet come round from the anaesthetic, they were concerned about him and maybe it would be best if I waited and phoned before I visited on Thursday. I told them I HAD to see him and I would be there in 30 mins.

    Our daughter said she would drive me and when we got there and saw him, she started to cry, he looked dreadful and out of it.     I went over to the bed, rubbed the top of his hand and whispered his name quietly into his ear. He raised his hand trying to find mine and weakly said "Annette are you here," I said yes could he open his eyes that I had been waiting all day for him to wake up! He told me he was in pain, I told the nurse who came immediately. 10 mins later he opened his eyes and started talking to us. The nurse said she couldn't believe it that the anaesthetist had been checking on him every half hour and n between times, everyone had tried to waken him and got absolutely no response, so they thought he might be in a coma.

    By the time we left him at about 21.00 he was sitting having tea and toast and I'm happy to say he has been improving ever since they managed to cut out the tumour and reconnect without using a stoma which was great news! All he needs now is for his body to rest and heal. I was so relieved and glad we had gone in. I couldn't have settle down without seeing him anyway.

    Thank you all once again for all your messages, support and also prayers! We have to wait about 3 weeks for the Histology reports to find out what stage the bowel cancer is but as usual, I am optimistic and can't wait to have him home!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette

    So pleased you had good news so far, I hope hubby recovery continues to go well for you.

    Hugs and prayers continue


  • Early days we know, but so glad you listened to your gut and insisted on seeing him. You must have an incredible bond. Wishing Vince a speedy recovery, and hope he is home soon.

  • Good morning  Annette, so pleased Vince is awake and on the road to recovery. Just shows uou have a strong bond, love knows no boundaries.  Sounds like he had the same op as me. Speedy recovery Vince. Sending hugs and good vibes xx


  • Hi Annette, 

    I'm so pleased to read this update and can imagine how relieved you are that Vince is improving each day since his operation. 

    I'm sending you, Vince and your family my love and will continue to pray for you.

    Helen Heart 

  • That’s such good news Annette, you must be so relieved, I didn’t reply before but you and your husband have been in my thoughts. Sending healing vibes your way and big hugs x

  • Hi Everyone, thank you all for your replies and reactions to my post.

    I'm afraid to say, the wheels came off during the night Friday night. Almost at the same time I was writing the update, Vince was being violently sick & feeling really bad. They tried various things like an anti sickness injection and pills, when nothing worked they called the doctor. They inserted a tube down his nose to extract what Vince couldn't do on his own. They say a lot of people who have bowel surgery have this problem? I'm wondering if they tell you that to make you feel better. Moi and anyone else who has had this sort of surgery could maybe let me know!                                                                                                                          On Friday, Vince insisted I take a rest day on Saturday As he said I looked tired. Our son and daughter were meant to be going, one in the afternoon one at night. However I phoned the Ward on Saturday morning to see how he had been overnight and the nurse said not good at all and explained what was happening and they were waiting for the doctor to insert the tube. She spoke to him and he said please tell her no visitors. I told her i would call back in a couple of hours and would just visit myself if he wanted!

    An hour later I got a text from him saying "Would be really good to see you but only if you are not too tired!" I was out the door and at his bedside in 25minutes. He opened his arms when he saw me and when we cuddled, he wept saying how good it was I was there, he didn't think it would be this hard and had never felt so low! I sat with him, holding his hand, for just over 4. hours while he dozed on and off. When he opened his eyes he kept asking the time and I told him every time it was between 4 & 5pm, so he didn't know it was dark outside and with the curtains round the bed, he couldn't see the window!

    When I got home our son came over and made me a baked potato, after I told him how to do it in the microwave, it was delicious!

    I hope my next post will be shorter and just say, " He is on the mend again!" Please keep him n your prayers  Pray!!! Thanks!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • It’s a bastard Annette, no way round it. Wishing Vince the best.

  • Hi Annette  I forgot to say earlier as for being sick, the Morphine made me projectile vomit then dry reaching for hours so not surprised. The sister said its  just the Morphine Moira, I said well DON'T  give me it again PLEASE !!!. I hope things settle down for Vince soon. Don't forget to look after yourself as well, let the kids do some of the visits xx


  •   I have not been in the group for some time, so have only just seen your news! I am so terribly sorry to hear about your husband, but thank god you changed doctors! 

    I hope he has settled more today, and he will be quickly on the mend and back home with you. Sending lots of hugs, I think you need them xxx 


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    Maya Angelou

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