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Lovely Morning- Chit-Chat- Thread No 16.

  • 770 replies
  • 50 subscribers

New Thread for Every One.

Daily Life.  chit chat about everything and anything, regarding, a normal day, in your life.

Scans, Appointments, going Shopping, Cutting Grass, Bloods, What ever you may be doing, that day.

If you wish to talk, about a more in Depth Subject, please start a new Thread, and then everyone knows, that is the discussion.

Hope this is to everyone's, approval.


  • Well hope fully he can do some thing, and he wishes to see you, that is my thinking, mind you my thinking is going out the door at times.

  • I agree with Ellie, sounds like he has plans, that’s what you require.

    don’t forget, they don’t like spending money unless for a positive outcome so good luck

  • Good luck tomorrow Ulls, I hope it goes well for you, sending hugs and good vibes xx


  • Morning

    Yes a dark one, and i spelt threw, the alarm going of, good job, set one on the phone.

    Gong out shopping, got to get out, ,after a night mare of a day yesterday., though that was then and this is now, onwards and upwards.

    Hope every one has a good day, anything is better than a bad day.

    Any one with any appointments, hope, they go well.


  • Hi Ellie what happened yesterday? How are you today? Think you will be out swimming not shopping lol. xxx

  • Morning siting in garden having a cuppa, if you believe that well then their is no hope, for us all lol.

    I am ok today, my brain yesterday was shattered, slept like a baby and threw one alarm.

    Today is today, and we go forward.

    Hope you doing well, do not have enough time to tell your my woes  of yesterday lol.


  • Morning 

    1. Good luck to Ulls with the appointment tomorrow , I do hope they can do something for you. and to Ellie having to make a decision. Never easy Ellie , a few cups of tea might help as Moi says. 
      Jac x
  • Good morning Ellie,  I hope your OK. Happy shopping  with your sister, Good company makes all the difference.  Its dark and wet here, rain forecast for the rest of the day. Have a good day xx


  • Tell me when you get back . xxx

  • Good morning  Tricia  hope your well. Weatgers horrible here, have to go out later so wellies on one thinks. Have a good day  xx
