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Lovely Morning- Chit-Chat- Thread No 16.

  • 770 replies
  • 50 subscribers

New Thread for Every One.

Daily Life.  chit chat about everything and anything, regarding, a normal day, in your life.

Scans, Appointments, going Shopping, Cutting Grass, Bloods, What ever you may be doing, that day.

If you wish to talk, about a more in Depth Subject, please start a new Thread, and then everyone knows, that is the discussion.

Hope this is to everyone's, approval.


  • Morning Jac hope your ok. Have a good day. xxx

  • Hi Moi  its the same around here so you might need a boat to go to the shops as well as wellies lol. Hope you are well too. xxx

  • Good morning Jac hope your well it's a wellie day  today. I hope our Scotish friends are doing OK with this storm. Hope you have a good day. Xx


  • Ulls I hope your appointment goes well today.  Got everything crossed for you. Sending hugs and good vibes xx


  • Well turned out here, to be quiet a pleasant day weather wise.

    One day is manic mentally another day, cool, calm, and collective, .only   decision to be made,, what one is going to have for dinner.

    So days at times, are as different as chalk and cheese. 

  • Leave the choice of dinner and wine to your butler, that’s his job!

    you just soak in a bath of rose petals while he feeds you grapes.

  • I wish, cannot get the staff these days, i have advertised, do not come up to my standards.

  • Good Morning, Good Morning to you.

    Just woke up, have to take a  tablet and no cuppa just yet,  though plenty water.

    Well hope every one is not getting, the bad weather up North.,

    Dark here and miserable, though not me, well not   yet, though that could change, who knows.

    Hope every one is well as can be, next week clocks go back, now i will be  dark and miserable. Happy Days, 

  • Good morning everyone

    I've not posted much recently because I've not been to well, I had my flu and COVID jabs last Saturday one in left arm and one in right arm and I had a really bad reaction. Not something I will be doing again in a hurry.

    Anyway my reason for posting today was to check on all the lovely people on this forum after all the rain we've had recently. I hope everyone is ok and not been caused any serious issues from the rain.

    Take care everyone sending you a hug if you need it 


  • Morning Ellie. Very wet weather here but no wind. I had plans of a lovely long lie in but next doors dog wudnt shut up barking. So I'm up with cuppa. I'm so looking forward to tomorrow as I'm goin for lunch with my two sons. First time in 11 yrs we have done anything together x