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Lovely Morning- Chit-Chat- Thread No 16.

  • 770 replies
  • 50 subscribers

New Thread for Every One.

Daily Life.  chit chat about everything and anything, regarding, a normal day, in your life.

Scans, Appointments, going Shopping, Cutting Grass, Bloods, What ever you may be doing, that day.

If you wish to talk, about a more in Depth Subject, please start a new Thread, and then everyone knows, that is the discussion.

Hope this is to everyone's, approval.


  • Good morning Ellie,  haven't seen anything of Judy. Yes we have a blue sky in Liverpool at the moment but it's a bit windy. I read yesterday we are getting an Indian summer this month, "October " maybe it's the start of it. Have a good day xx


  • Oh Ulls thats nice, well Ulls some one has to laugh at them lol lol sorry joke

  • you have a good day as well

  • Good morning everyone. I haven’t read all of the comments in the thread, because I get a bit lost with it all, so apologies to anyone if I have missed anything, but just wanted to wish you lots of luck   with your oncology appointment. I agree with what you have said, that things are easier when we know what we have to face. It made me think of a quote.

    "Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows; it empties today of its strength."

    I try to remember this often. 

    Hope everyone has a good day xx 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Well Well phone just rung, and i did not recognize the voice, i said who is that, reply your daughter.

    What is going on, i am so excited hospital just phoned, getting second part of my operation, she is over the moon, been a long time coming for her.

    She had a mastectomy, and this is to create a new boob for her,

    Mum can i have money for xmas, i can buy some sexy bras, had to wear sports bras for two years.

    Am i pleased for her yes, though sick because of what happen last time, and everything went wrong .

    All sent to try you  

  • Aww thats brilliant news. Sending massive well wishes to her and tell her soon as she feels OK to go get them sexy bras x

  • Thanks Bev, bit like the song, I want to fill like a Woman thats all she wants, xx

  • That's very good news Ellie,  congratulations to your daughter and she deserves a draw full of beautiful sexy bras after everything she's been through. It will be alot off your mind when the op is over and she's showing you all the new bras. Bet that made your day xx


  • Thanks, no knocked me for six, they gave her a new boob when they did the mastectomy,  then sepsis caused her to lose it then she landed, up with ptsd, and counselling, though she is over the moon,

    She will be walking about no top on, showing of her bras,

  • Oh Ellie,  she is a strong woman ( like her mum) to have gone through all that and come back for her second new boob. Yes see her top less on a beach showing them of, you go girl ClapClapClap everything crossed for her op XX
