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Lovely Morning- Chit-Chat- Thread No 16.

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New Thread for Every One.

Daily Life.  chit chat about everything and anything, regarding, a normal day, in your life.

Scans, Appointments, going Shopping, Cutting Grass, Bloods, What ever you may be doing, that day.

If you wish to talk, about a more in Depth Subject, please start a new Thread, and then everyone knows, that is the discussion.

Hope this is to everyone's, approval.


  • That's really good news Ellie, 3 of my sister's had double mastectomys they choose to have softys not implants, youe V must be ecstatic at the moment. 

  • Thanks she didn't t have implants the last time, a new boob was created from her stomach  she was cut from hip to hip, seven hours, though not so long this time new boob being down from her own tissue from surrounding  area, and making the other one same size, hey all sent to try you.

    She has waited two and half years, she needs it for her own sanity,  i am just an on looker lol xx

  • Fantastic news Ellie and daughter. lots of love and best wishes. Happy belated anniversary Ellie hope you raised a glass or two for him. xxx

  • Cheers, you are like the scarlet pimpernel one minuet here the next gone.

    I did raise a was a good day.

    Though this Sunday is the day he passed, from good memories, to a different memorey, never mind

    We get threw it, and it has been a lovely day here, flu jab tomorrow and gp appointment and shopping, god all or nothing, xxx

  • Big hugs to you both  its a long wait shes had  always hard to deal with when its one of your children ,but im sure it will be a happy outcome. xxx

  • you had your scan yet

  • Joy More appointments they seem never ending got antibiotics yesterday i could start a pharmacy of my own i have so many pills to take. lol. Got a flu jab as well. Got my mri scan on friday, then covid jab on the 11th exciting days ahead lol. Have i missed some days somewhere if tomorrow is friday. Im glad you had a nice day on your anniversary hugs for sunday. xxx

  • My thoughts and best wishes are with you Ulls. xxx

  • LOL talk about calendar full i have covid booked for the 16th

    No tomorrow is Wednesday got muddled last week she took me Wednesday. sister on holiday, daughter taking me, its her day of tomorrow,

    My normal scans are chest, abdomen and pelvis, though when i see oncologist she said next one the same, but with a brain scan, as new  guide  lines,  now recommend it, i did say i am going to land up with radiation poison,, her reply yes you may, though if you was younger would not get a scan every three months, exterminate springs to mind, 

  • My usual scans are ct think mri is to see if i have any grey matter left lol No one could exterminate you but radiation poisoning is a possibility. JoyJoy. xxx