Leaving memory book/ gifts for granddaughter

  • 28 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi all I'm a new member. Don't feel I can share my story just yet but wanted some advice please.

I have a two year old granddaughter who is the light of my life. The thought of leaving her before she is grown up makes me feel  terribly sad. I am trying to focus on staying in the moment and enjoying the time we have and at the moment I am feeling fine and able to do things. 

Although I am sure my family will tell her all about me and what we did when she is older I thought of making a memory book that she can look at as she grows. Just some photos of the different things we did eg playgough, reading etc ans places we went and a few lines with each. 

I also thought of maybe a little bracelet with a message and a pebble art picture of us.  I've seen some lovely things on Etsy. As she loves dogs I did also think of sponsorship of a guide dog maybe leaving money for so many years. 

Has anyone done anything like this or have any ideas.

Many thanks

Sue x

  • Thank you Simon for your reply. I am so very sorry to hear your experience of memory boxes. My heart goes out to you. Perfume is a lovely idea. 


  • Hi Donna

    Thank you for your reply. Perfume certainly a good idea. I

    I've decided to get a little book and write down a little bit about both my husband and myself for her too. For example where we were born childhood memories jobs hobbies etc . You never know what is round the corner and this way she'll have a keepsake as some of the things my daughter might not remember to tell her. 


  • Hiya my granddaughter is 12. I've another granddaughter who is just a baby .unfortunately I've never met her due to a family rift.but I'm hoping that will change. I've still left her a gift of a massive Peter rabbit Teddy along with a Peter rabbit book and I'm buying a little locket for her and a couple of pics of me 2 put in a Peter rabbit box I got so even if I don't get to meet her my family will.pass it on to her .. its awful we have to think like this but at least we have the chance to do xx

  • Hi Simon, That's a lovely idea about the perfume. When my favourite aunt and (Godmother) knew she was dying, I asked her if she had a bucket list and she said yes. There were only two things on it. A break in Oban and Channel No 5 Perfume (not toilet water!). So I booked for 5 days in an Oban hotel for us both  then I gave her a small bottle of Channel No 5 perfume, our first day there.

    I took lots of photographs and put them in an album for me to keep and gave a duplicate one to my aunt that she took into the Hospice with her, as well as her perfume.

    Every time I smell that perfume it brings back beautiful memories of her. My mum died when I was 19 & my aunt came to live with us to look after my sister who was 12. She has been dead now for over 30years but that perfume still brings her back vividly!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Bev, Oh that was so sad to read that you hadn't yet met your granddaughter because you are both missing out.

    I wonder if they know your situation or not! Either way, would it be possible for you or one of your family to write to her parents, saying life is too short etc. even if you met her once because of the letter, it would be worth it! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hiya. I've made contact with my son a couple of weeks ago I told him my situation.  Obviously it was a lot for him to take in especially since we have not spoke for such a number of years. He did say he would think about meeting up. . As I say we're there's life there's hope. So hopefully he will come around to meeting up at some point.  I dont want to to keep messaging him as I don't want 2 seem full on. He needs time to tske it all in x

  • Hi Bev, That is great you have made the first move. Now it is up to him. In my opinion you are right not to harass him. He may take a while to process the information you have given him before he can make any decision, so I would give him time.

    Remember you have done the correct thing and contacted him, now it is up to him. Whatever he decides, he will have to live with it. I hope he makes the correct decision and makes the move to contact you!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Thank you for your lovely kind reply xx