Leaving memory book/ gifts for granddaughter

  • 28 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi all I'm a new member. Don't feel I can share my story just yet but wanted some advice please.

I have a two year old granddaughter who is the light of my life. The thought of leaving her before she is grown up makes me feel  terribly sad. I am trying to focus on staying in the moment and enjoying the time we have and at the moment I am feeling fine and able to do things. 

Although I am sure my family will tell her all about me and what we did when she is older I thought of making a memory book that she can look at as she grows. Just some photos of the different things we did eg playgough, reading etc ans places we went and a few lines with each. 

I also thought of maybe a little bracelet with a message and a pebble art picture of us.  I've seen some lovely things on Etsy. As she loves dogs I did also think of sponsorship of a guide dog maybe leaving money for so many years. 

Has anyone done anything like this or have any ideas.

Many thanks

Sue x

  • Hi Sue, Thank you for your comment but you are too kind. If I can do it, anyone can do it! You just start off with something small with not too many colours and then go from there. All you need is patience!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Sue, That sounds like you have made a positive decision. I hope you don't mind a bit of advice, when it comes to a Scrap Book for pictures! My husband is a Professional Photographer and says people should never glue photos. You can buy photo mounts, usually in a Stationary Shop or Photographic shop like Jessops. You will know the width and height of the photo, You then stick a mount on each corner &. Slot picture in by the corners making sure it is flat. Then later down the line if your Granddaughter decides she wants to change or add anything, it is easily done. Even double sided tape is better than glue because they can be moved around without spoiling the print. Any good photography shop will advise you or look it up in U Tube or Google!

    Also if you write the description on coloured card or paper, these can be put on with double sided tape also, then not only do you preserve original handwriting but if you make a mistake, you just start again with another piece of paper. Our granddaughters are already making a Scrapbook Diary with photos. Grandson prefers to take the photos after his grandad! LOL.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Sue 

    I'm very pleased that you have been able to clarify your thoughts...I can sense the positivity and excitement you are feeling about getting started and creating this record of special memories in this post! It's also great that you have recruited  your husband to help you in some way too. 

    The suggestions passed on to you by my lovely friend Annette,  are great.

    I'm sure you will enjoy this activity, and your granddaughter will treasure all the memories that you have shared and will continue to share in the future.

    Love and hugs

    Helen xxx

  • Thanks for those tips. I'll order some mounts. 

  • Yes I am looking forward to getting started on it. Had a lovely day today at a local farm with Amelie and took lots of photos. 

  • Hi sue. I've done something like that. I bought 

  • Hi sue. I've done something like that. I bought a lovely nice size box from card factory and I've put a lovley picture frame in I got made saying I've an angel watching over me she called my nana with pic of me in. I've bought a little Teddy. A bracelet and other little keepsake things for my granddaughter. I'm goin to put a letter in also. When I go places and see things I buy it for the box. I've put a pen in with granddaughter written on it. It's just simple things she can keep forever .I also got books made with pics in of us both on our trips out or just daft faces we pulled. All thongs she can look back on and show her children on day. I hope this helps you xx

  • Thanks Bev lovely ideas really helpful. How old is your granddaughter? It's nice to think of the next generation seeing them too. 

    Sue x

  • Hey Sue, sadly welcome here.

    Unfortunately I've had experience of helping my deceased wife build reluctantly memory boxes for our girls when they were 13 and 16yrs old and now facing doing it again, for the same girls now 21 and 23yrs. One thing which you should certainly add, is a perfume. You could wear it now, your granddaughter will remember it, and you could have a bottle in the box.

    Good luck Sue, come back when you're ready.

    Keep on keeping on


  • Hi Sue

    I thinks that's a brilliant Idea and Simon has made a brilliant suggestion about perfume I'd never thought of anything like perfume being added to a memory box but when you think about it it makes great sense because often a scent can bring back a memory. 

    I hope you have a great time putting things in it.
