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Lovely Morning -Chit- Chat Thread No 15

  • 844 replies
  • 52 subscribers

New Thread for every one.

Daily life chit chat, going for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting your grass,, what ever that day may bring. even being the weather forecaster, that is normal life, and we all have it.

If you wish to talk, regarding a special topic, please, start a new thread.

  • Morning Moi they may have picked up that you had a fall!!!

    There's always one to spoil the chat! (i've been up all all night with dia***** ! ) feeling very sorry for myself.

    Pleased to see you have surfaced Tricia. Did you have a good time?

    Love to all....I maybe quiet today! Have a good day xxx


  • Ellie i have missed you and your wise words. Thanks for asking about me you are a special lady always concerned for others. I have been looking after my grandaughter during the holidays and then i went to stay with a friend and help where i could. She has had c o p d for a number of years and recently had a stroke so she is having a hard time. Dont forget today is no sweeping, cleaning or gardening feet up with ice cream the toga man will be making sure you comply lol. xxxxx

  • Morning Judy sorry to read that you have been up all night with dia..... yyou have every right to feel sorry for yourself horrible to be poorly in this kind of heat wave we are having. Rest up and i hope it goes quickly. xxxx

  • Tricia thank you, i was concerned, and did ask a few times, glad your ok.

    Will the toga man fan me as well, at least he will be at my beck and call, could do with that.

    I can relax, now you are back. xx

  • Hi Tricia, have you been on holiday? Did you go somewhere nice? It’s nice to have you back, we’ve missed your kind posts.

    • Jac x
  • Ellie the toga man has just confessed to me being at you beck and call is all he wants to do, be careful i think a proposal could be on the cards so you might have to keep him inline. Joy. although he does own half of greece so mabe that could be in his favour. lol. xxx

  • Good morning Judy, sorry to hear you had a bad night. Lots of fluids and rest today. It really take it out of you. Take care xx


  • Hi Jac any plans for today, I'm just taking it as it comes. Looks as if its another hot day today. Have a good day xx


  • Good morning Ellie,  lovely and warm here slight breeze so very nice. Any plans for today. We'er going to the park for a walk before it gets to hot. Have a good day xx


  • Hi Jac nice to be back. How are things with you, good i hope. I have been looking after my grandaughter then my best friend who is ver poorly at the moment so no holiday yet. Have you been on any trips or holidays although with the weather we are having i feel like im in spain but without air con lol. Have a good day and thanks for your kind words. xxxx