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Lovely Morning -Chit- Chat Thread No 15

  • 844 replies
  • 52 subscribers

New Thread for every one.

Daily life chit chat, going for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting your grass,, what ever that day may bring. even being the weather forecaster, that is normal life, and we all have it.

If you wish to talk, regarding a special topic, please, start a new thread.

  • Hi your always full on, you never stop, good luck to you, and why not.

    Granddaughter wants to see  Hamilton, and Son  les Misérables, had three hours of music on from Hamilton, did have a headache, to much, not my music, but she loves it..

    Then going to Greenwich, then tomorrow Freddie Mercury Exhibition at  Sotheby's , good  luck to them.

    Just finished cutting a tree, cut grass and strimmed, shattered now.

    Hope you day went well.

  • Hi Judy

    Yes it is, though have to say, a lot more work as such, he lives about four hours away so stays, lovely to see them. out of my routine.

    Done my exercise, garden done, enough is enough.

    Been lovely here and so warm its 20 with sunshine.


  • Ellie, bet your garden looks lovely. You are always in it doing something. My garden friend is here mowing my lawn, lazy me!! It's good that you have a new laptop. Will have to move down south. It's only 16 here!

    Judy xxx

  • Good to see you enjoying life Jac. I can't keep up with you!! I love ballet too. I saw the male Swan Lake ( will leave that to the imagination Grin) it was fabulous. I loved going to the theatre. We use to make a day of it, me and the girls from work. Early coffee, shopping, meal then the the ballet or shows in Manchester of Liverpool. Couldn't do it now...have no puff!

    Judy x

  • LOL  I wish, its what i call an old garden, like the owner, needs a lot of  and looking after, and maintenance,  but never looks any different. well way things are going, will not be able to see what it looks like soon. even oiled the metal blades, lol what i have learnt.

    I have been warned, do not have a glass of water near it,, nothing about wine, though, LOL xxx

  • Joy was going to mention the glass of water by your laptop but thought I won't rub it in! I make sure my drink isn't near mine!! we live and learn...or do we!?

    You're getting good at handling stuff....

    Judy xxx

  • Well not buying another one, that' s for sure.

    Have to say, case of having to, never thought i could, but when needs must, Rats, Foxes , rude children, people on end of phone,  might be old, though not stupid, lol, others may think differently,. am i bothered, not now, lol.

    Even my kids, say mum, what's happened to you, lol learn as one goes along..

    Funny i said to my son, before he went out, it will soon be dads anniversary, never thought, i could survive, though still standing, well when legs let me lol.

    Going to start my dinner, just one tonight, last night cooking for them  omg, for me was hard.

    Catch you later, xxx

  • Good morning everyone, sunny spells here, some blue sky but definitely fresher, can feel autumn coming. Ellie my friend has booked for us to see Hamilton in December! So excited for that. 
    Yesterday didn’t go quite to plan, after my bone injection I was called by the nurse  to say I should have been having blood tests 10 days beforehand. I’ve never been told this and used to hand the form in when I had my chemo blood test. So I went back to the hospital to have the blood test and to pick up adcal tablets which they’d forgotten to give me (and I’d forgotten to ask for). So missed going to friends but she understands. Went back to sons to continue helping him with paperwork. Took him into town to get bank statements. He gets very confused so I have to be with him. He’s stating a job as a pharmacy porter and has to jump through 57 hoops to get there! Still more to do! Then I had a phone call from the medical delivery van wanted to delivery my meds. I always collect from hospital as I’m always there having my bone jab and I explained this again. Do today I have to go back to hospital to get the meds. What a palaver! Anyway I did get to the gym so feel I’m slowly getting fitter!

    Jac x

    • Good morning all, weather wise, overcast and a chill in the air. Jac good luck getting your meds your back and forth to the hospital.
    • Clattabridge  have started doing appointments and letters  through NHS PORTAL (you can still have letters if preferred) so my account is set up and just had an appointment posted, I'm up and running.
    • Good morning Ellie glad your enjoying having your son and granddaughter staying with you lovely but a bit more work. My lot have gone back to Spain.  How is Ulls doing. Sending love to him.
    • Good morning Judy, how are you doing still managing to walk your dog, have a good day.
    • BP are you up yet ? How is your wrist hope the swelling is going down and its not to painful. Do uou sleep better in your new bed.
    • Hope you all have a good day xx
    • Moi
  • A bit of a confusing day for you Jac. We incurables have to be on the ball! on op of everyhing else! i can be hard going.

    I had to google 'Hamilton' it sounds really interesting. I'm all for the underdog.

    Glad the gym got your adrenaline going! I didn't feel like going to pilates but made myself go and felt better for it...bit stiff this morning but where's there's no pain there's no gain, so they say.

    Had my bloods taken this morning for my 11th chemo tomorrow so hopefully they pass. Got an appointment with the diabetic later in an hour so back to the surgery!! it's all go.

    Judy xxx