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Lovely Morning -Chit- Chat Thread No 15

  • 844 replies
  • 52 subscribers

New Thread for every one.

Daily life chit chat, going for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting your grass,, what ever that day may bring. even being the weather forecaster, that is normal life, and we all have it.

If you wish to talk, regarding a special topic, please, start a new thread.

  • Oh no BP! Poor you, Sorry to hear that. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Karma? Possibly

    Jac x

  • Good morning all hope your all as well as can be expected. Poor BP hope your sorted soon. Sounds like everyone has been busy.  Jac hope you mum had a lovely birthday.  Ellie hope your scan went well. Me well, my family are back in Spain, we had a lovely time.  Went out to dinner for my sisters 70th birthday,  was great. I have a feeling I've told you this a few days ago, hay ho. Anyway my oncologist is ringing this afternoon, I'm half way through my 12 week treatment break, I feel good and others say I look good so I'll go with that. Anyway have a good day all xx

  • Well Good Morning All

    Little  Grey at moment hope, it turns out nice again.,

    Have my new Lap Top now, just finding what is what.

    Have my son and granddaughter for  week, though they are of to London today for two nights  to see two shows and sight seeing.

    Hope you all are well as can be.

    iting to have  my first cup of tea, just had bone tablet, 30mins seems like for ever.

    Have a good day. xx

  • Morning Ellie and all. It must be nice to have your son and granddaughter staying with you. I love London, they will have a great time sight seeing and going to the shows! I'm expecting son number 2 in the next day of two.

    Off to Pilates soon. Just come back from walking Ollie in the miserable drizzle!

    Judy x

  • Good morning Moira and everyone 

    Sounds like you had a lovely holiday Noi, just what you needed I bet. Good to hear that you’re feeling and looking well. A good dose of sunshine does us the world of good. Hope the phone call goes well. 
    Ellie that’s lovely to hear your sone and granddaughter are with you, do they live far? I’m sure they’ll have a great time in London. I went last night to the ballet. I saw Romeo and Juliet at Saddlers Wells. Very modern! I enjoyed the dancing immensely but I’d quite like to see the traditional one too as this one did veer off the plot a bit! We also went for a fancy meal which was delicious. 
    mice had my bone jab this morning. They’ve just rang me to say I should be having blood tests 10 days before hand. No one has ever told me this before and I have always just given in the blood forms with my other one a day before. I’m a bit cross as 10 days before falls when I’m in Cornwall. And it’s another hospital appointment! Rant over!

    im now helping my sone sort his travel insurance out then of to a friend in Hertford, then the gym after that so full on! 
    Have a good day

    Jac x

  • I’ve still got a broken wrist in case you have all forgotten.

    there was a brief flurry of sympathy then it faded away.

    don’t all rush to ask after me now, it’s a bit too late.

    I shall probably just go and play in the motorway!

  • I was going to ask how you were BP! It's so quiet without you. Which motorway I'll come and rescue you. Don't do it!!!!Fearful

    Have Ulls on my heart too x


  • Well thanks Judy, I feel better now.

    I was going on the M25 as safe there because always jammed up with no cars moving!

  • Oh  right i can see that, from my back garden, will give you a wave.

  • Oh good may the cars continue to be jammed! Joy