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Lovely Morning -Chit- Chat Thread No 15

  • 844 replies
  • 52 subscribers

New Thread for every one.

Daily life chit chat, going for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting your grass,, what ever that day may bring. even being the weather forecaster, that is normal life, and we all have it.

If you wish to talk, regarding a special topic, please, start a new thread.

  • Hi Moi That's wonderful news! How are you going to celebrate over the weekend? Or was it an extra glass of wine last night (Friday)? Did anyone realise Friday was Drink White Wine Day? Honestly, I didn't make it up, I heard it on the radio! Cheers everyone!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oh Ellie, I have just been reading about your Friday exploits! I just wondered if you'd taken some wine at lunchtime, since it was Drink White Wine Day yesterday! LOL!

    Seriously Ellie, you will need to be a lot more careful and as Ulls has said, have your mobile phone with you everywhere. You must have a pocket you can put it in. Now I know you said you have a wrist alarm but IF you had it on, I'm sure you didn't press it and muddled on!

    What about hiring a gardener and then you can just "potter" around. Or better still, could the family take it in turns to help! I take it you didn't tell them you fell!!!!

    We are silly and old enough to know better, so why don't we! Who knows. I hope you don't feel stiff in the morning and manage to sleep alright!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette,  yes so happy with results and yes I did have a white wine or 2 to celebrate Champagne glassChampagne lol. Your probably asleep now. Sleeping I slept well and am having my first cuppa of the day. Teaming with rain today and I'm at the dentist later, my old dentist never opened on a Saturday, how things have changed since the pandemic. Take care xx


  • Good morning all . I do hope you all had a decent night's rest. Just going to have my second cup of tea then shower, breakfast then dentist, hopefully be finished there next week. I did tell him I don't want teeth like Ryland lol. Anyway it's heavy rain here this morning so sure to get wet on my outing. Hope you all have a good day. Ellie hope uour not to stiff and sore after you fall yesterday.  xx


  • Good morning all, had a fabulous night sleep, not, I've been sat in chair since 2.45 took paracetamol at 4.45 fell asleep reading a book woke up at 7.30 is, having a coffee and reading your posts.

    I've not had any alcohol for about 7 weeks.

    Got some sad news last night a friend past away in his sleep on Wednesday's he was 85, must have been quite a shock for his wife.

  • How are you this morning Ellie, I think you should tell your family they will be proper Peed off when they eventually find out.

  • Good morning everyone. Sorry to read of the passing of your friend . Sending you sympathy and a hug. Ulls. You should tell your doctor that you need him to get on top of your lack of sleep and the pain, as the paracetamol is not working. Hope the day gets better for you. xxx 

  • Morning Ellie how are you today? ive read about your fall yesterday so today has to be sitting in your pyjamas with you feet up. I took a leaf out of your book and went food shopping yesterday as usually do it on a saturday so glad i did as its chucking it down here. Hope your not in too much pain as Ulls said you dont want to break any bones. Sending you a hug and a pair of crutches lol. Love Tricia. xxx

  • Morning Moi you are very brave to take yourself to the dentist i would be running the other way. I absolutely hate dental appointments i have to be taken kicking and screaming lol. Hope you dont get soaked today with this awful weather. xxx

  • Good morning  Ulls, sorry to hear about your friend passing, so sad. Oh no another bad night, go and bang on your doctors door for pain relief , paracetamol just not working well for you. Take care . Sending hugs xx
