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Lovely Morning -Chit- Chat Thread No 15

  • 844 replies
  • 52 subscribers

New Thread for every one.

Daily life chit chat, going for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting your grass,, what ever that day may bring. even being the weather forecaster, that is normal life, and we all have it.

If you wish to talk, regarding a special topic, please, start a new thread.

  • How true! I know all the names of the dogs we meet regularly on our walks, but not the names of the owners! 

  • Well start of another week, very humid  at moment and grey,

    Bank Holiday coming up, and i have my son coming, or should i say my odd job man, lovely.

    Everyone seems to, have been doing some lovely activates, good for you. 

    Any one having any treatment this week, good luck.

    Hope Branston P sorted their bed, must have done, otherwise would not hear, the end of it.

    Rnjoy your day xxxx

  • Of course I built the bed.

    Chutney was so pleased she has let me sleep in it.

    what a sacrifice she is making, most other women would want me in their beds!

    thanks for thinking about me Lady Ellie, always nice to be enquired about.

  • Your Welcome, though  i was thinking more of chutney, having to put up with having nightmares every night, though i am glad, things are sorted, and you now have,  some where to lay, your weary head.

  • Good morning everyone 

    Another warm day though grey at the moment.

    BP so happy for Mango, now she can get some peace. 
    How is everyone this morning? I can’t be the first up! Picking up the car today then think I’ll make some tomato sauce with all the tomatoes from the allotment 

    Jac x

  • Hi Shadders, i can see you have had a busy day, if everything went to plan.

    Yes been lovely here, had my granddaughter all day, before she goes back to uni next week. was areal pleasure/


  • Morning Ellie, how lovely that you had your granddaughter all day! Bet you had a wonderful catch up! Is she getting results or has she already got them? X

  • Good morning everyone, how is everyone today? It’s very quiet on here. Is everyone ok? Are you all being busy bees? X

  • Morning, she is already at uni, just done her first yea, now moving into a house with two friends, Need this nan need that, lol, yes she went loaded.

    I am of out later, daughter has an appointment.

    Hope you have a good day, x

  • Good morning all

    It's very dull and overcast here today, hopefully it will brighten up later. I'm working this morning, that's good for me keeps my mind busy and not stressing about my treatment tomorrow, which never goes to plan, it should take about 1.5 hours and my treatment should start at 8.30 but it seems my treatment is never there it's always at the pharmacy waiting for a porter to deliver it. What I don't understand is, it's a regular appointment every 3 weeks why does someone not check the day before that the prescription is ready and get it to the ward so it's there for my arrival on Friday Monday. They know what patients are due for treatment surely it can't be that hard to ring the pharmacy and ensure the medication for the early patients is on the ward. I know they work hard but sometimes it feels like they can't be bothered to do even a simple thing to ensure treatment is delivered on time for the patients. I usually end up taking 5 hours to get my treatment instead of 1.5 hours it's so annoying my time is precious not for wasting. Sorry moan over.

    Have a lovely sunny day everyone