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Lovely Morning -Chit- Chat Thread No 15

  • 844 replies
  • 52 subscribers

New Thread for every one.

Daily life chit chat, going for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting your grass,, what ever that day may bring. even being the weather forecaster, that is normal life, and we all have it.

If you wish to talk, regarding a special topic, please, start a new thread.

  • Good morning all

    Well the sun's back today so off out with the dogs to the park, just hope Hattie don't try helping the fishermen today, yesterday she stole someone's sandwich so embarrassed, I did return later and replace his sandwich with a bacon butty and a can of coke. We had a laugh about it he said it wasn't the first time his sandwich had been stolen by a dog but it was the first time an owner had replaced them. Anyway I hope there's no repeat of the behaviour today the next fisherman might not be so understanding. Then I have to deal with the dreaded ironing.

    I hope everyone has fun good luck to the lionesses


  • Joy Donna you are so good replacing it with a bacon butty. 
    I have to watch my Labrador, Ollie, like a hawk. If kids have left their bags round the goal post he automatically thinks, FOOD. I did my dreaded ironing yesterday. Hopefully I can discipline myself to sit this afternoon. 
    Judy x

  • Last world cup I remember,1966,Alf Ramsey,and year,I got married,good year.c

  • Hi Jac it was good to be back in the pool. Did 8 lengths  hopefully I will build it up. I’m struggling this time round with the chemo. Maybe 10 chemos is too many. 
    it’s lovely that your brother’s new lady has brought back some happiness into the family. It’s the same with my son. His lovely lady in Thailand who is coming to live in the UK in the New Year has put a smile back on his face as well as all ours. 
    daren’t look at the game See no evil

    Judy x

  • Sorry Sue I don't believe I have said, Hi! and welome to the group despite it wasn't planned to be here!

    I am relatively new compared to others but it's been good to connect to a great bunch of people who take you as your are...good days or bad.

    Judy x

  • Good morning all

    It's lovely and sunny here today, this week is treatment week so very busy doing the usual blood tests consultant appointment and if all is well with both of those things then treatment on Friday.

    I was fortunate yesterday at the country park, the same fisherman was in the same spot as the day before when Hattie stole his sandwich, lol he was ready for her yesterday and she was rewarded with a dog treat, turns out he recently list his dog which was a terrier like mine, so when Hattie stole his sandwich it reminded him of his dog, he said he had some dog treats left at home so he had put them in his pocket in the hope he would meet her again, so it looks like my little girl has a new friend for life.

    So please she cheered up someone's day

    Have a lovely day 


  • Hope all goes well Donna and you are able to start your treatment on Friday. Our pooches can help us make friends with people of like mind. Ollie's not interested in his own kind but loves hoomans. I can't walk through the park without a wave or a Hi from other doggie owners. Strange thing is if we see each other in Tesco we don't recognise one another without our dogs or our doggie clothes on and only know each other like, Olliie's mum Grin

    Hope you all have a good day

    Judy x

  • Hi Judy 

    Yes it's true our pooches do get us talking to other people, it's a good job he saw the funny side of what Hattie did. I have to say when I think about it it was funny specially when I was trying to tell her off and she was just running around wagging her tail and barking at me. The real funny part was I took what was left of the sandwich off her, I don't know what I thought I was going to do with it because I couldn't return it to him half eaten could I, 

    Overall it was very much a bit of slap stick comedy, you had to see it to know how funny it was, and Hattie doesn't think she did anything wrong bless her.

    Enjoy the lovely day folks


  • That is a really funny story Wombat, takes our minds off other things.

  • Good morning all, Donna that’s a lovely story, thanks for making us smile. 
    Bit grey here today, I have an assessment at the gym this afternoon. It’s a free cancer rehabilitation program so I’ll see what happens later. Might get a little swim afterwards. Have a good day everyone 

    Jac x