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Lovely Morning -Chit- Chat Thread No 15

  • 844 replies
  • 52 subscribers

New Thread for every one.

Daily life chit chat, going for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting your grass,, what ever that day may bring. even being the weather forecaster, that is normal life, and we all have it.

If you wish to talk, regarding a special topic, please, start a new thread.

  • Well not been in all day,been so busy, with company and,phone calls.. every one has had a busy week, pleased for you all,must mean your doing good, and branston pickel, a busy day,always one odd one out, though we will covert him,at some

  • Hi Sue yes it was good to be swimming again. Aqua aerobics must be good, I’ve never done it. To be honest I just went I didn’t tell them I was having chemo treatment. It was the end of my first week. 

  • I did google exercises for mesothelioma and swimming was one of them. 

  • Oh Ellie, Can I come too, I'd love to meet Glen!! (Showing my age now).

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • How was your swim Judy? I must get back into it. I found it helps all the aches and pains. Hope you’re now feeling a little more human after the chemo. I do think they should offer free swimming  to all incurables as we’ve all got reduced life expectancy.. 
    I have my niece and nephew with me but they’re going back home to see to my brothers new girlfriends cat who needs his antibiotics! His wife (brother’s not cats!) died 5 years ago from cancer and he has been dating his new lady for about 9 months. They all seem to get on really well and it’s lovely to see my brother happy again. 
    Then it will be football time! Come on the Lionesses! 

    Jac x

  • Happy Birthday Annette! Sounds like you had a wonderful week! Irving sounds like a beautiful place. 
    love Jac x

  • Hi Sue, sorry for the late welcome,  we're a special group of supportive,  listening people as you have been told by others. I hope you get back to aqua aerobics, it's great fun but I haven't been for quit some time, I stick to walking and dancing these days. Enjoy your little granddaughter, she's at a lovely age. I haven't been on laterally as have family visiting. My grandsons were 8 and 10 at the start of my journey, I was given 12 to 18 months, the boys are 13 and 15 now and tower above me, you just never know what treatments are round the corner. xx


  • I second that! Welcome Sue, it’s lovely to meet you! 
    Jac x

  • Good morning all,  everyone has and is busy it must be the time off year. Happy birthday Annette and many more, sounds like you had a lovely time. Ellie as always a busy bee and had a good time. Jac enjoying your visitors as well. I'm also looking forward to the big game , come on Lionesses . Judy hope you enjoy your swimming Swimmer I always feel free in the water. Anyway I'm just going to have a little dance about, some good tunes on at the moment.  Have a lovely Sunday all. xx
