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Lovely Morning -Chit- Chat Thread No 15

  • 844 replies
  • 52 subscribers

New Thread for every one.

Daily life chit chat, going for bloods, scans, appointments, going shopping, cutting your grass,, what ever that day may bring. even being the weather forecaster, that is normal life, and we all have it.

If you wish to talk, regarding a special topic, please, start a new thread.

  • You would think if a particular therapy was working for you they would keep you on it. Then not give you anything to treat you sucks.!!!! xxxx

  • Immunotherapy, is to jump start your own immune system to fight the cancer, when you have cancer your own body does not recognize it, but immunotherapy makes you immune recognise it and fight it. so your own body is doing the work

  • Good morning all

    Ive been very busy this week so haven’t posted much and have just been catching up with all your news. Tricia I was sorry to read that your Tunis have grown a bit. Hope there’s a plan for to treat that, and Ellie have you got growth increase too? Is there a plan? 
    Donna we have a farm shop with a little farm too though no birds so can’t be same one. They have alpacas, goats, pigs and chickens. I love going there and often have a coffee, watching the world go . They didn’t have the coffee shop when children were little and the little farm wasn’t as developed as it is now. The chickens would come up to you as you sat eating ice creams though Joy
    Son has now moved into his new supported living accommodation but as he does not get a lot of support there I’ve been everyday to help him. We’ve had a lovely time together and he’s finally having to learn to cook for himself. But now I’m exhausted! On Thursday I didn’t go round as I went to London with friends and had a trip down the Thames to Teddington Lock. We got off there and went for dinner in friends daughter’s boyfriend’s restaurant where he’s a waiter. Had a delicious meal then home by train. Was a really lovely day. Yesterday went to see parents as they’re off on a cruise down the Danube then sons in the afternoon. Today I’ve got niece and nephew staying overnight which will be lovely. Hopefully son will come over too. 

    Have a lovely Saturday whatever you’re all doing

    love Jac x

  • Morning Jac what an eventful week you’ve had. So pleased your son is settling in with a lot of help from you. Your trip to London sounds amazing. I love London. 
    I’ve had a hard week after chemo but hopefully the worst days are over. I’m off for a swimming session for the over 60s. (Free!) it’s a year since I last swam…just before I was diagnosed with lung cancer. So it will be good to just float on the water and relax..hope I don’t sink Grin had my hair done yesterday so I didn’t time that right. Will do the breaststroke with my head out the water. 
    cheers to all hope your day is a good one

    Judy x

  • A busy week has been had by you lot, I’ve done nothing but that will change.

    Mango Chutney has thrown me out of the marital bed for snoring, fighting, talking and attempting various other things.

    I have been on the settee but got a bed delivered yesterday and am going to attempt to build it today.

    I imagine you will all be offering a space in your bed but that’s probably not practical and at odds with my vows! All offers considered though, I am flexible.

    Ulls, no necessity for you to comment!

  • BP you're lucky you're still married Grinning I'm certainly not accomodating you. You sound a nightmare.

    Hope you manage to put the bed together!

  • Say what you really think Judy, don’t beat around the bush!

    anyway, Ellie sent me her back door key.

    once she sends her address things may get interesting.

    but thanks for your support.x

  • Hi everyone, I have had a busy week too. Went out last Saturday with daughter,SIL & 2 granddaughters, for lunch & ice cream in the afternoon, was lovely. Went to Irvine Tuesday and stayed for two nights in lovely Hotel my husband had booked for my birthday which was on Wednesday. Went a wander in town centre then down to Prom then Meal in hotel Tuesday eve. Wednesday took a run to Troon down to harbour for coffee watching fishing boats. Drove to other side of beach to sand doops.. Unfortunately the tide was out by then and too far for me to walk for a paddle. Settled for an ice cream!  Lots of people in swimming. Delicious meal out Wednesday night.

    Home Thursday, rest day Friday. Today we just got back from lunch then ice cream in Italian Cafe out with son, DiL & grandson. So lucky to have 3 meals out for 1 birthday! Great week all round!

    Jac you must be exhausted after your busy week. Judy hope you feel better after chemo and you enjoyed your swim. I am going to Hydrotherapy Pool next week, quite nervous but looking forward to it too! I used to swim regularly.

    BP Sorry you've had to get a new bed and hope you manage to build it! If Ellie has given you her back door key, if the new bed collapses, I could always send you my shed key if you are stuck!!

    Tricia My Trial was meant to be for two years but they kept me on the drug for just over 3 years, then stopped September 2016, due to horrific side effects. Like Ellie I have had no 'cancer' treatment since coming off it and like Ellie I've been on watch and wait. Still having scans.

    Have a great Sunday everyone!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Address 6-5000.pensivalnia avenue by by 

  • Hi Judy

    Hope you enjoyed your swim. I was wondering about restarting aqua aerobics classes but didn't know if I should while having chemo? I do miss them 
