Breast cancer mets to spine.

  • 20 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi, my name is Alex.

I had stage 3b breast cancer in 2015 and had chemo, double mx, radiotherapy and then 2 years of zoladex and tamoxifen before I had to stop.

I was recently diagnosed with mets in my spine.

I was told that my life expectancy was below 50 by my oncologist 7 years ago, so this is not a shock. I am handling it quite well, but today I have bad lower back pain. The cancer is only in my upper back, which has never hurt. But it's worrying me and getting me down today. I hate having to take so many painkillers and focusing on my cancer so much. Just having a hard day. 

Hope that you are ok as possible. 

  • Hi

    Sorry you are having a down day, we are all entitled to them, and why not.

    Yesterday, i had a fill sorry for my self day, and that's not me, but everything got me down, we are human and have feelings, i am always so positive, and i am sure that is what was bugging me the most, today i have shed  few tears, when my son came in, he was know good,never seen me like that, and i had to make him tea., 

    I have a different cancer to you, are you going to get treatment for the Mets in the spine.

    Sending you a BIG HUG xxx.

  • Snap Ellie and Alex. Hate being on a downer but I’m sure we’ll all get through it. 
    Sending hugs Hugging to you both and I’ll give myself one too Grin

    Judy xxx

  • Well that's three of us, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, in other words three wise monkeys. x

  • Well I’m doing ok so happy to donate some of my luck to you three.

    I can’t imagine that anyone has not had a down day. 
    I have howled at the moon plenty of times.

  • Did you turn into a werewolf! BP 

  • Hi ladies, I too had a bad day yesterday. Sleepy I'm experiencing a lot of pain recently after just being withdrawn from a trial I was taking part in. My mind is in negative overdrive as I endure the wait to see my oncologist on Tuesday regarding next steps.  I have it in my head that there's nothing else they can offer me. I was diagnosed with womb cancer February 2021, had surgery then chemotherapy. Was clear for 7 months before being told it has spread to my peritoneum.  Had 2 more rounds of chemotherapy then in May I started a trial.  During this time, my cancer has grown considerably so obviously worried. Anyway, that's my tale of self pity. Hopefully I'll be able to get my pain under control and have a better day. 

    Happy Monday!

    Helen xxx

  • Morning Helen will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope that your appointment with your oncologist will be a positive one. and that you will get some form of relief for the pain.

    Sending hugs Hugging

    Judy xxxx

  • Thank you Judy for your reply.  I'm hoping and praying for some positive news tomorrow. 

    Have a good day!

    Hugs back...Helen Hugging

  • Hi Ellie. Thanks for your reply. 

    Are you feeling OK today?

    I am going to start treatment at the end of August, I think. Just waiting some PET scan results. It will be tablets and hormonal treatment to start with, for as long as my body responds to them.

    Which cancer do you have?
