Breast cancer mets to spine.

  • 20 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi, my name is Alex.

I had stage 3b breast cancer in 2015 and had chemo, double mx, radiotherapy and then 2 years of zoladex and tamoxifen before I had to stop.

I was recently diagnosed with mets in my spine.

I was told that my life expectancy was below 50 by my oncologist 7 years ago, so this is not a shock. I am handling it quite well, but today I have bad lower back pain. The cancer is only in my upper back, which has never hurt. But it's worrying me and getting me down today. I hate having to take so many painkillers and focusing on my cancer so much. Just having a hard day. 

Hope that you are ok as possible. 

  • Hi Nan7.

    Sorry to hear that you are in a lot of pain. And it's understandable that you are worried. I am hoping for good news for you tomorrow.


  • Hi hope you are feeling a little brighter today, i have been brighter mentally.

    I have lung Cancer, though my daughter was diagnosed to years ago now with Breast Cancer,also had a mastectomy, waiting for a second part of the operation, which will be August.

     Glad you put the tread, others felt the same as you.Glad you will soon be starting treatment, onwards and upwards.


  • Hi Arty Alex,

    Thank you Two hearts

  • Hi ArtyAlex, I don't know it we have chatted before but it seems a lot of people had a bad day yesterday, I hope the morning changes that.

    I know what you mean about taking too many painkillers! The problem is the more you take it seems the less affective they are, at least that's what I've found. Maybe once you start treatment, it will help the pain.

    Good luck Helen (Nan7) with your appointment tomorrow, and anyone else getting results, scans etc, I will be thinking of you.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi  

    Welcome to the group, you will find a lot of friendship and support here. I'm sorry to hear about the spine mets and the pain you're having. Before I started treatment I was in a lot of pain and it was difficult to walk. I am now stable and have since found out that I had a pelvic fracture on the left and the right pelvis has a hole in it ( I didn't have radio to the right side). I didn't know it at the time but I can pinpoint when the fracture happened as the pain was horrific. This made me realise I couldn't manage on paracetamol for cancer pain and I ended up on zomorph. I had plenty of down days around this time. I remember the frustration in trying to make the bed as it was so painful to walk. I hope your treatment relieves a lot of the pain for you. I hope you have had a better day today.

    A x

  • Glad you said that, sister-moon,I landed up three fractures , one each side of what, they call the pelvic ring one each side and one threw the middle, lost the use of leg,still struggle the pain, you said it, never had anything like it.

    Hope you ok now, 

  • Hi Sistermoon

    Sorry to hear about your pelvic fracture, that sounds so painful! I hope that the zomorph is helping you. 

    I am very newly diagnosed and my pain is nothing like that. I just hate pain because it worries me what's going on in my spine now. I have called the cancer nurse for advice.

    Take care.



  • Hi Annette,

    Thanks for your reply. No, I am very newly diagnosed and new to the site.

    I am in pain again today, but not too bad. The onc has prescribed me some stronger painkillers. I'm sure that they will help.

    Have a good day.



  • Hi Ellie

    I hope that your daughter's operation goes really well and that she makes a quick recovery.

    Best wishes for your treatment, too.

