New to all of this.

  • 32 replies
  • 52 subscribers

Hi all. 
Hope you are all as well as can be. 
Unfortunately I seem to have joined your exclusive club recently. 

7 weeks ago I was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer which after numerous tests has now shown it’s metastasised to my hip, sacrum and upper spine. 

must admit to this being a bit of a shock and all happening incredibly quickly. 

I start my chemotherapy next week and have radiotherapy as well for my hip to see if it can help with the pain in my leg. I’ll try anything they can throw at me. 

I’ve seen so much hope and positivity on here, but this is my first time actually posting. To be honest I’m not sure what to put or what I expect, but I just thought I’d say hello. 

I told the oncologist that I was going to ruin their statistics and outlive the predicted 18 months. Fingers crossed I do. 

take care all. 

  • Hi chelle. Thank you for you reply. I’m learning while going along on here and have done as you said and clicked on your picture and wow. What a journey you have been on. That last  CT scan result put a huge smile on my face I can only imagine how it must have made you feel. 
    thank you for your positivity, my journey has been a doddle compared to others. 
    will get round to writing my own profile soon. 
    much love 


  • Hi portales and thank you for your message. 
    A bit overwhelmed at the responses I’ve had here and again I’ve looked at your profile ( I’ll get round to mine) and again wow. The  journey you have had to get here unbelievable. Stay strong and fighting fit. 
    glad I’m not the only newbie here, but wish it was a different reason we were all here for. 
    take care speak soon. 

  • Hi Mmum thanks for replying. 
    my oncologist asked me if I had a timeline in my head and I said another 15 years would be nice so I can finish all the things I’ve put off over the years ( typical man ) they gulped and went into full on official mode. Felt it was too late then to say I was only kidding.  

    like you say I won’t be asking again. No point. Love that on here people talk about their sell by date and have gone well past it. 
    thanks for you good luck. I’m really hoping the radiotherapy helps with the pain, but if not it reminds me I’m alive each day ( and unfortunately night) 

    take care 

  • Hi Annette. Thank you for your words. Plus well done to you for sticking 2 fingers up to this madness. Loved you saying you weren’t going to cancel your holiday. I certainly intend to be here to see my youngest daughter hit 18 next august and both of my daughters graduate from university even though my youngest hasn’t got there yet. 
    the positivity on this site is amazing and I hope to continue and add to that. 

    thank you and stay well xx

  • Hi valley girl. Thank you for reply. I agree we can all write our own story and I intend mine to Be as  long as war and peace. I’m hoping I have the right receptors on the tumour to be able to have the targeted drugs too. Will find out soon and yes I’ll keep you all posted on how I get on. 

    Thank you again and stay well. X

  • Very true Ellie. Far too many people seem to have forgotten how to smile. It does make you feel so much better doing it though and it seems to be contagious too. Best sound in the world is my daughters giggling uncontrollably and I’m very fortunate to hear it often. 
    Another new one. I will try to find them and say hola. 

    you stay chipper Ellie 

    Much love xx

  • Sorry to meet you here but welcome to the club. We are all, generally speaking, in the same boat. I liken it to having got on a train where I know the final destination, but where I have no idea whether I am on the fast or slow service, or whether I will be shunted into a siding for a while.

    I haven’t asked my oncologist for a prognosis and she has never broached it. After I found my cancer had metastasised, I had to be very clear with my husband that he also was not to ask. I have, however, read the detailed reports from the clinical trial that led to my current treatment receiving NICE approval. It’s pretty clear outcomes vary a lot but are linked to how well the treatment works for you. Existing health and other factors must also come into play..

    Here’s hoping the treatment is effective for you and that you can outlive the prognosis. I rather liked the response from the other poster about wanting to be around for 15 years. 

  • Thank you coddfish. I like your analogy to a train and I agree we will all react differently to treatment. I’m hoping that at 54 an ex rugby player and up until 8 weeks ago trained 5 days a week in the gym ( still training but much lighter now) I’ve got the stubbornness shown on here to fight it head on. 

    thanks again and stay well. X

  • Of course you can do it, i am old enough to be your mum, and never been to a gym, and still fighting 7 years gone. x 

  • I am a huge rugby fan and have tickets for several rugby world cup matches in September and October. I have my oncologist’s agreement to go, I just need to be well enough. 

    I enjoy running, swimming, going to the gym. The running bit is largely impossible at the moment as the treatment has reduced my ability to transport oxygen. I can still walk, swim, go to the gym. It’s definitely worth doing as many of these things as you can, both for mental well-being and also to stay as fit as possible.