Just a feeling sorry for myself post.

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Warning, this may contain words that might upset others .

Also it's longer than I realised so I apologise 

I just want to whinge, moan, rant about stuff in a place I feel safe, so feel free to scroll on by .

Many years ago in 2009, I lost 2 best friends within a month of each other, one to cervical cancer and the other to throat cancer, after watching them go through all the stuff cancer treatment throws at you, I decided then and there that if I was ever to get cancer (sick I know) that I'd refuse treatment   fast forward to 2021, when a random itch on my left breast and letters reminding me that I'd reached the age of needing a mammogram, lead me to being diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer which required a lumpectomy and axillary clearance,  out of the 18 lymph nodes removed 13 was cancerous,  a CT and bone scan revealed a shadow on the rightlung, which they presumed was benign and would undergo 3 monthly CT scans to keep an eye on it,  I was offered chemo and radiotherapy I remembered watching my friends go through it and declined stating I preferred quality of life rather than quantity and would rather have a shortened normalish life than a longer life filled with sickness etc that treatment so lovingly gives.

Fast forward to 2022, the 'shadow' on the right lung as turned into mets, with 3 in the right lung and 4 in the left,  the 'shadow' was the main one causing problems as it sits in the bronchi and stopping oxygen getting to the lung, I agreed to try Letrozole which turned me into an 99 y3ar old stroke victim, my oncologist told me it was an allergic reaction and to stop the tablets,  she did say that because I couldn't tolerate something as simple as a hormone blocker I'd struggle to tolerate something harsher. 

Fast forward March 2023, I'd had a CT scan and bone scan in the January of 23, the results weren't good and I was told the cancer had gone from being slow growing to aggressive, and the middle lobe on my right lung has collapsed,  the bottom lobe was almost gone and the top lobe was hazy , the oncologist wanted me to have chemo, I asked if that would help with what was happening, she told me unfortunately not but whe hoped it would at least stop it spreading elsewhere, I told her "so you want me to take treatment that will not only NOT help with the current situation but make me sick on top?" She replied "yes" I told her I didn't want to be sick from treatment on top of what was already going on, so she struck me off and I'm under the hospice now.

Fast forward to Monday the 17th July when I received the results from a Xray that I'd had 3 days before , for a pain in my arm which turns out to be bones mets , the cancer as indeed spread. 

Now for the feeling sorry for myself , there isn't much I can do without gasping for breath, my righr arm is pretty useless,  I cough logs and lots and have to rely on my wife more and more , which I hate doing and to top it off? I KNOw that if I'd undergone treatment at the very beginning,  I wouldn't be in this position now!! That's what's worse , knowing all this could have been prevented after suffering treatment for a few short months but NO... my stupid selfish,  stubborn arse wouldn't have treatment and now I'm suffering, now my life is more pointless than it used to be , now my wife who's says she finally found the one ,will have to go on with her life without me in it, (I should say at this point that in March 23 I was given 6-12 months to live) I'm leaving my 23 year old autistic son behind after fighting heaven and earth to get him moved to his own place, closer to us, when looking back now he'd have been better off where he was, especially as I won't be around much longer, yes my wife knows she as to take over and as already taken over , she won't get help with him as he refuses help from anyone else, won't interact with social services or other people and never as .

So I'm now beating myself up lowing I've no one to blame but myself and knowing I could have prevented all of this so please if you've managed to read this far, no negative comments,  because I already know its my fault,  I don't need you to tell me this .

  • Thank you, 

    Beating myself up is something I've always done and I'm great at it , but I guess you're right,  it's not really getting me anywhere, the choices I made, have been made and I'm stuck with them, I can't go back and change them, so guess it's time to suck it up, or pull up my big girl panties and get on with it , treasure rhe moments I have left x

  • Thank you , yoh and everyone else who replied make sense,  it's just me, and of course you're right,  I don't no how things would have worked out if I'd made different choices , guess I need to five myself a wobble and try make the most of my bad choices x

  • Thank you for your reply and honesty, and for coming out as it were , at least you underwent treatment at the beginning thats a plus in my eyes .

    I think my mindset is why put off something that's going to happen regardless,  whether now or later doen the line, its still going to happen , the cancer had already spread when they found the lump in my breast but facing a life of sickness and constantly fighting , just wasn't what I wanted to do, I guess if I'd been in my 30's (I'm 52) I'd probably have chosen differently,  but I've reached a stage in my life where I e had enough of life, never had great health from the word go and as my son says, "I was delt a bad deck of cards' cancer isn't my only illness .

    I do think your brave, decisidnt to stop treatment now and I wish you all the luck in the world moving on xx

  • Moving on together Thumbsup

  • I guess you make sense,  it's just hard x